Release Note for Driver App version 1.11.479

Note: The phone date and time should be set to the same date and time as the company.


OS/Android version minimum requirement

The Driver App can be installed on IOS version 10 or above, Android version 4.1 or above.  

Driver App Setup

The ability for the driver to setup his on duty and away time is setup in the Dispatch Science Back Office in the Driver Profile. For more information, please see New Features for Release 1.8.

Driver App On Duty/Away

The On Duty/Away time setup on the Driver App will allow you to setup your end of day. While you are Off Duty, the auto-dispatch will not dispatch you orders. 

Setting the On Duty time will, at the end of your day, automatically set you to Off Duty. To ensure you are still planning to end your day at the specified time, a notification will be displayed 30 minutes, 15 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of your day. You can change you On Duty time during the day as well. 

Setting your Away time will, at the end of the specified time, automatically set you to On Duty again. To ensure you are still planning to return on duty at the specified time, a notification will be displayed 30 minutes, 15 minutes and 5 minutes before your Away time expires. You can change your Away time during the day as well. 

Setup On Duty Time on Login

When opening the Driver App, if still logged on, you will be asked if you want to go on duty:

On clicking No, you will be taken to My Run and status will be Off duty.

On clicking Yes, you will be asked when you plan to end your work day. 

Click on the approximate work day end time. This will return you to My Run, status is set to On Duty and shows the end work day time.

Set On Duty Time 

If the Driver App is open in the background and you are marked as Off Duty and wish to set yourself On Duty, you will be asked to set your work day end time. 

Simply need to click on the approximate work day end time. This will return you to My Run, set status to On Duty and shows the end work day time.

A reminder notification will be displayed 30 minutes before the Off Duty time. At this time, you will be able to change the time or acknowledge you will end at the specified time. The notification will be displayed at 30 minutes, 15 minutes and 5 minutes before end time.

If you click on Yes, you will not be asked again. At the time specified, the status will automatically change to Off Duty.

Setup Away Time

Click on Status then select Away.  In the Away time, select the time to return to On Duty. The Status will change to show Away and the time you are planning to be On Duty.

A reminder notification will be displayed 30 minutes before the end of Away time. At this time, you will be able to change the time when you wish to be On Duty again or acknowledge you will be on duty at the specified time. The notification will be displayed 30 minutes, 15 minutes and 5 minutes before your specified return to On Duty time. 

If you click Yes, you will not be asked again. At the specified time the status will automatically change to On Duty.

Refresh by pulling down to see the Ending work time.

Fixed Issues

Navigation issue when delivering a grouped order

After delivering a grouped orders, the driver was returned to the same grouped order instead of the next stop.