Release Note for Driver App version 1.11.523

Note: The phone date and time should be set to the same date and time as the company.


OS/Android version minimum requirement

The Driver App can be installed on IOS version 10 or above, Android version 4.1 or above.  

New Logo and Colors

The driver app has been upgraded to match the logo and colors of Dispatch Science. 

You can now find the Driver App with this logo:


When a picture is taken, a low-res pic (20-50KB) and a high-res picture (max 500KB) are created. 

Depending on the setting in the Driver Profile, the high-res picture can be uploaded once the phone has access to WIFI up to a maximum number of hours from the time the picture was taken.

For more information, please see : Release Note version 11.

Note: On Android, driver must be logged in but app can be closed to upload pictures when driver phone is connected to WIFI.

On iPhone, driver must be logged in and driver app open (can be in the background) to upload pictures when driver phone is connected to WIFI.

Setup Navigation Application

In settings, you can setup which navigation application to use when clicking on the navigation arrow in the stop details:

1) Tap on Settings

2) Tap on Open navigation with, tap on the app to use.

If you are using an Android, the default app is Google Map.

If you are using an iPhone, the default app is Maps.

Bug Fixes

Releasing an order does not notify driver

A notification is now displayed on the driver phone when an order is released by the Dispatcher.