Creating and maintaining a list of current pick-up and delivery contacts is one of the most efficient ways to become faster at booking new orders because, once they are in the system, all you need to do is start typing their name and our auto-complete feature will kick-in to instantly finish completing all necessary information, including any special pick-up or delivery notes.

1) Creating a new contact

Go to My Contacts and click on the New Contact button:

Fill in all the information regarding your contact. Address Auto-Complete will be triggered after you've typed the third letter or number of ADDRESS LINE 1. Any additional NOTES you choose to write (ex: ring back door) will also appear in future orders that use this contact:

Click Save to save this new contact in your contact list.

Hint: If no address appears using Auto-complete, you may have to use the + Enter address from Zip/Postal Code feature to complete the address. 
How it works:
Click on + Enter address from Zip/Postal Code. A custom Address window will popup. Type the closest known postal code to the target address, then click and drag on the map until the marker is at the correct location (Latitude and Longitude). Type-in a custom address, and click Save to save this custom address

2) Editing an existing contact

Follow the same steps as in 1, but instead of clicking on the New Contact button, just click on any existing contact and apply your updates.

3) Selecting your default contact

To help you work faster, you can check the star of your most often used contact in your list of contacts and it will remain at the top of your list:

From now on, when you are completing the Delivery Address section of a new order, all you need to do is start typing your saved contact name and auto-complete will quickly find it and fill all the rest of the section.