If your carrier has granted you an Admin status, you will have access to a custom dashboard for your company. The Dashboard is the first screen you will see when you login to your Portal:
If you don't have and Admin account, you will be directed to the My Orders page.
Your Dashboard is separated into four key sections:
- The Toolbar on the left lets you navigate from one set of features to another
- The Snapshot show a summary of your recent order history for analysis
- A live view of your Most Recent Orders is shown on the right. Click on any order to see it in details or click on View more >>to get a complete list
- The top right of the screen is where you can login/logoff and Book a new order. Other custom navigation icons might also be visible according to personalized settings. You can also book a new order by clicking on the New Order button at any time.
HINT: If you click on the chevron to the right of the blue New Order button, you will see an option to Book a new order from a template. You will see later how Templates are a super fast and convenient way to book new orders.