The main reason an address may appear incorrect is because when you created the account, you added a contact with the same address you're seeing in the order. When you add a contact with an address during account creation, the first contact becomes the default user, and their address is automatically set as the default for the account.
What do I do in order to change this?
If you don't want to set a default contact when creating an account, you can skip adding one initially. Later, when you edit the account, you can add the contact. This contact won't automatically become a user; instead, it will just be the default contact for the account.
So to change this on this account, edit the Account and click on Users:
Once you have the list of users, you can click on a user to update their email, phone number, or name.
After saving the changes, you'll go back to the list of users.
On the far right, you'll find the user contacts section, where you can see the initially added address.
When you access this account, you'll see a page similar to this. Please ensure that you've completed the highlighted sections, particularly the "Default contact" section, for it to display as default.
Here is the contact list of the user:
You see the star? It means that when this user is selected, it will always use this default user contact. If you want the user to use the Account default contact, you can click on the star to remove it. You can edit the contact and change the address, or you can simply delete it with the garbage can.
Here's how contacts work when you create an order:
1.When a user is selected in the order after selecting the account, Dispatch will check if there is any default contact (a contact under the user with the yellow star). If there is one, it will use that one.
2.If there is no default user contact, it will check if there is a default Account contact (a contact with a star in the Account Contacts list). If there is, it will use that one.
3.If it doesn't find either, the Pickup will be blank, and you will be able to select from the list of User contacts + Account contacts when you type the company name or phone number.