Every order is unique. Fortunately the Driver App has you covered and makes it easy to make sure all your pickup and delivery steps are completed as required by each client.

Some delivery options must be enabled by your administrator. The following assumes that they all are.


Many deliveries are straightforward while some may be complex. What follows is a pick-up and delivery scenario that contains various custom steps that must be performed to successfully complete a pick-up or delivery. In real life, you will rarely see such complexity.

Example of a Multi-Step Pick-Up Workflow 

In this scenario, you will be required to follow a number of unique steps for the system to accept your pick-up. Let's assume you have already accepted all orders assigned to you and will focus on the pick-up and delivery of sample order VC46870. This particular order is for pick-up, assembly (place 5 fragile vials in a bag), and delivery of a refrigerated tote bag.


Steps we will show:

1-Add a driver pick-up note because you were asked to move to an unexpected dock

2-Add an extra assembly fee for inserting 5 blood samples in a tote bag

3-Take a photo of the item you are picking up

4-Add extra wait time for your pickup

5-Scan your item to capture its barcode

6-Enter the color of the item

7-Enter the temperature of the item


1) Go to My Run, find your order (in this case VC46870) and tap on the chevron next to it (notice the upward facing arrow on the order that indicates it's a pickup):

Note: If you click on the MAP icon, near the bottom of the screen, your first stop will be shown on a map:

Swipe the address towards the left to bring up your next stop on the map.


2) In "Stop Detail", tap on the "Stop Note" pencil to add a personal note to your pick-up:


3) Type in your note and tap on "SAVE" (or "CANCEL" to cancel the note):

4) Swipe up to display the remaining information and instructions about your order. Since this is a pick-up, let's assume the system allows you to charge an extra fee for assembly and you want to do so. Tap on "Assembly":


5) Input your assembly charge and tap "OK":


Your assembly fee will now be displayed on the order:


Next you may want to take a photo of the item you're picking up.


6) Tap on the grey photo symbol to bring up your camera (You may be asked to allow the app to access your camera. If that occurs, tap "Yes"), take your photo, add a note if you wish, and tap "DONE" (or "CANCEL" if you want to discard the photo and start over):


A thumbnail of your photo will now appear in the Photos section:


Next, let's assume you need to add extra time at your pick-up location.


7) Tap on the pencil in the red section, input the extra time spent at your location, and tap "OK" (or "CANCEL"):


The Extra time will now be displayed on your order:


You're now ready to confirm your pick-up. 


Swipe right on the green "Report Pickup" button to trigger the pickup workflow. In this case, the first step will launch the barcode scanner automatically installed in your app:


8) Scan the item:


You will see:

-The order number along with the number of items (1/1)

-Your name (Irons, Jeremy) with a summary of your run (2 pickups, 10 deliveries, stop 2)

-The pick-up and delivery addresses


9) Tap "Complete"

This will launch the next workflow component of your pick-up, in this case, a request to specify the color of the item. Tap "SKIP", "CANCEL" or the pencil icon:


If you tap the pencil, an input dialog box will appear. Type in the color and tap "NEXT":


Next you will be asked to choose the refrigeration type of the item. 

10) Tap the Chevron next to Temperature to see the dropdown options:


11) Tap on one of the options in the dropdown:


If this was the last step in your workflow, you'll see the "Stop Details" of your next stop and this means that you'll have successfully completed your pickup and are ready to move on. Nice job!



Now let's go over the Delivery process. It is similar to pickup, but we have chosen a different workflow processes to demonstrate the Driver App's range of capabilities.


Example of a Multi-Step Delivery Workflow

In this scenario, you will be required to follow a different set of steps to successfully deliver sample order VC46870.


Steps you will complete:

1-Scan your item to capture its barcode

2-Enter the temperature of the item

3-Obtain a signature

4-Verify ID


1) Go to "My Run", find order VC46870 and tap on the chevron next to it. "Stop Details" will appear. Remember, you picked-up this order earlier today (see above) so the item(s) in the order are in your vehicle. Notice the downward facing arrow on the order that indicates this is a delivery:

Notice how the pick-up workflow components are now showing.


2) Swipe up to display the remaining information and instructions about your order. 


3) Swipe right on the green "Report Delivery" button. This will launch the scanner:


4) Tap "Complete" (or tap on the keyboard icon to manually enter the barcode number):


5) Review the order details and tap "Complete".


This will trigger the next workflow requirement, in this case a requirement to confirm the refrigeration status of the item:


6) Tap "Tote Temperature":


7) Tap one of the dropdown options:


This will launch the next workflow requirement, which is to obtain a signature:


8) Show your device to the recipient so that he can apply their signature, then tap "CONFIRM" (or "clear" to erase the signature and start over):


9) Type the signatory's name and tap "OK":


Next is a requirement to check ID:


10) Type on the Chevron to trigger the card-type dropdown menu, then tap on one of the approved ID forms shown by the recipient:

The selected ID type will be checked.


11) Tap the back arrow next to ID Verification:


Your next stop will display. Congratulations! this means that you have successfully completed all the steps required for this delivery.



Verifying that the Order was Successfully Completed


You can optionally verify that order VC46870 was successfully completed.

1) Return to your Home Screen, tap on the chevron to the right of Orders, then select the DELIVERED filter at the top of the screen. Your delivered items of the day will be displayed: