- Security Rights Needed to Use Addresses
- Address Management (Global, History and Contact Addresses)
- Search By Addresses
- Search By Contacts
- View Addresses on a Map
- Delete Addresses or Contacts
- Find and Delete Duplicate Entries
- Create a New Contact
- Create a New Global Address
- Create a New Hub
- Import Contacts
- Import Global Addresses
- Import Hubs
- Edit a Contact
- Bulk Edit Contacts or Addresses
Security Rights Needed to Use Addresses
Rights can be added to Roles if needed. Roles are located under Settings>Configurations>System.
By default, this right is only available to internal Administrator users.
Address Management (Global, History and Contact Addresses)
User with the right access can manage the addresses in Dispatch Science from a central location.
Managing addresses will help in the accuracy of the pickups and deliveries.
There are 4 types of entries that can be managed:
1) Global addresses:
A Global address is an address that could not be geocoded and has been manually added by a user. Because these global addresses are entered manually, they can be inaccurate and should be reviewed and fixed if needed.
A global address can be used whenever an order is created by an internal user, a self-serve user, an order import or through the API.
2) History:
When a geocoded address is used in an order, either through order creation, import or API creation, the address is added to the history and will be available in the history section of the pickup/delivery when an order is manually created.
3) Contact:
Contacts are added to Accounts or Account users. The contacts become available when creating orders and order templates.
4) Hubs:
Hubs can be used when creating Multi-Segment Orders. You can enter the hub name in the Company field when adding a hub to an Order. The Hubs are also available when creating Multi-Segment Orders through the API or a script.
Configure Grid Columns
The Grid can be configured to show specific columns, change the sort order, move columns around. The settings that you use will be saved.
Show/Hide Grid Columns
Grid columns can be hidden/displayed.
1) Click on the Setting wheel , Columns and check the columns that should be visible, uncheck the columns that should be hidden.
2) Click anywhere to refresh the grid with the new selection.
Move Grid Columns
Columns can be moved so you have the columns you need to see at the left of the Grid.
1) Drag the header cell of a column to a new position.
Sort Columns
A column can be sorted in ascending, descending order.
1) Click on the header cell to sort the column, once to sort in ascending order, a second time to sort in descending order and a third time to remove the sort.
A small arrow will show to the right of the header cell:
The following columns can be sorted:
Type, Contact Name, Contact Phone, Contact Email, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Company, ZIP/Postal Code, City, State/Province, Default.
Filter Column Entries
Columns can be filtered to only show the rows you wish to view. Depending on the column type, the filter may be different.
Once a filter is applied, the filter will show with a darker background:
1) Click on the funnel to the right of Type and select the type, one or more type may be checked:
2) Click on Filter to apply the filter or Clear to clear the filter.
Alphanumeric such as Contact Name, Contact Phone, Latitude, etc..
1) Click on the funnel within the column header.
2) Select the operator. The default operator is Is equal to.
3) Enter the value to search in the search field.
4) Click on Filter to filter the list, Clear to clear the filter.
Is Default Address
1) Click on the funnel within the Default header.
2) Select to show either Default contacts or Not Default contact
3) Click on Filter to filter the list or Clear to clear the filter.
Reset the Grid Layout
1) Click on the Setting wheel then click on Reset grid layout
Grid will be reset, columns, replaced in their default positions, column filters cleared, overall search cleared.
Search By Addresses
User can search throughout the addresses by address or pin location. This allows you to view duplicate addresses that have been entered in Dispatch Science and allow you to clean the list for your internal and self-serve useres.
Search by Address
1) Click on Address radio button then enter the search criteria in the Search field.
Addresses can be searched by Address line 1, Address Line 2, City, ZIP/Postal Code and State/Province.
Clicking on thewill show you the list of fields that can be searched on.
2) As you type, the list will filter to match the criteria.
Column filters can also be used to further filter the Grid. For more information, please refer to Address management (Global, History and Contact addresses).
Search by Pin Location
1) Click on Position. The search field will be replaced by a Latitude, Longitude and Radius field.
2) Enter the Latitude, Longitude and a radius then click on Search .
Clear the Search Criteria
If you are filtering by Address, click on the X in the address search field.
If you are filtering by Position, click on Address and click on Search .
Search By Contacts
User can search contacts across Accounts in Addresses to see if there are any invalid entries that would need to be edited.
1) Click on Contact radio button then enter the search criteria in the Search field.
Contacts can be searched on by
Account Name, User Name, User Email User Phone, Company, Contact Name Contact Phone, Contact Email.
Clicking on thewill show you the list of fields that can be searched on.
2) As you type, the list will filter to match the criteria.
Column filters can also be used to further filter the Grid. For more information, please refer to Address management (Global, History and Contact addresses).
View Addresses on a Map
Addresses and contact addresses can be viewed on a map to quickly identify discrepancies.
Before opening the map, the address list should be filtered either by contacts or addresses or positions otherwise every address will show as a pin on the map.
Viewing the Addresses on the Map
1) Filter the list to show the addresses that should be reviewed on the map.
If help is needed to filter the list, please review Searching Addresses or Searching by Contact.
2) Once the list is filtered click on View Map.
The button will be renamed Hide Map if you need to hide the map to view more columns in the grid.
The list of filtered addresses will now show as pins on the map.
3) Clicking on a pin will highlight the pin and highlight then check the row-s in the grid.
From there you are able to delete the entries (see Delete addresses), edit a contact (Edit a contact), bulk edit contacts (Bulk edit an account contacts) depending on the selected rows.
Hide the Map
1) Click on Hide Map.
Delete Addresses or Contacts
Addresses and contacts can be deleted from the grid and will no longer be available in the account or when creating an order.
The delete action cannot be undone.
Delete an Address
1) Scroll to the complete right of the row and click on the garbage can .
2) Click on Ok to delete the row, Cancel to return without deleting the row:
Delete Multiple Addresses
1) Filter the list of addresses to show the list that should be deleted.
2) Click on the checkbox in the Header to select all entries in the grid if all rows should be deleted or check specific rows to delete.
3) Click on Delete Selected button to delete all checked rows and click on OK to delete the selected rows or Cancel to return to the grid without deleting the selected addresses.
If trying to delete a contact that is used in an order template, an error message will be displayed and the contact will not be able to be deleted:
Find and Delete Duplicate Entries
Duplicate addresses or contacts can easily be found and deleted from Addresses.
Find Duplicate Addresses Across the Addresses
1) Click on Find Duplicates to open the list of fields to search on
2) Click the fields to search on then click on OK
The number of duplicates found will be filtered and total will show above grid.
3) Sort by Address Line 1 to group these addresses together and decide which rows should be deleted.
Addresses can also be filtered by History and Global Address if you want to keep your contacts.
For help on how to delete entries, please review Delete addresses.
Find Duplicate Addresses for a Specific Address
1) Search for a specific address.
For help on how to search on an address, please review Searching Addresses.
2) Click on Find Duplicates to open the list of fields to search on
3) Click the fields to search on then click on OK.
You can look at the addresses on a map (View Addresses on a Map) and delete the duplicates (Duplicate addresses).
Find Duplicate Contacts
1) You can search by Contact to filter one contact or if no search is done, the Find Duplicates will find all duplicated contacts
2) Click on Find Duplicates to open the list of fields to search on:
3) Click on the fields to search (any or all of the contact information) and click OK.
4) Review and delete the contacts that are duplicated. For help, review Delete Addresses.
Create a New Contact
Contacts can be created directly in Addresses without having to open an Account.
1) Click on the New Address to open the sub-menu:
2) Click on Contact and in the new Contact window, start typing the Account (by number or by name) and select in list. This field is required.
3) Optionally, you can attach the new contact to a user in the account by typing the name of the user or their phone number. This field is optional.
4) Enter an optional Company.
5) Enter a required contact name.
6) Enter a required phone number.
7) Enter an optional email.
8) Select the required contact language.
9) Enter the required address in address line 1. Start typing the address and select from the available list. If the address is not found, you can enter an address using the +Enter address from Zip/Postal Code. This will place the pin in the center of the Zip/Postal Code and you will be able to move the pin to the correct geolocation.
10) Enter an optional Suite/Apt.
11) Enter an optional Load/Unload time in minutes.
12) Define if this will be the default contact for the Account.
This will change the default contact on the Account or the User.
13) Enter an optional Note and click Save.
Create a New Global Address
Global Addresses can be created directly in Addresses without going through the Order Creation.
1) Click on the New Address to open the sub-menu:
2) Click on Global and in the new Global Address window, start typing the optional Company.
3) Enter the required address in address line 1. Start typing the address and select from the available list. If the address is not found, you can enter an address using the +Enter address from Zip/Postal Code. This will place the pin in the center of the Zip/Postal Code and you will be able to move the pin to the correct geolocation.
3) Enter an optional Suite/Apt.
4) Enter an optional Load/Unload time.
4) Enter an optional Note and click Save.
Create a New Hub
Hubs can only be created in Addresses and will be used when creating Multi-Segment Orders in an Order, from the API or through a Script.
1) Click on the New Address to open the sub-menu:
2) Click on Hub and in the new Hub Address window, start typing the optional Company/Hub Name.
3) Enter an optional Contact Name.
4) Enter an optional Phone Number.
5) Enter an optional Email.
6) Select the required Contact Language.
7) Enter the required address in address line 1. Start typing the address and select from the available list. If the address is not found, you can enter an address using the +Enter address from Zip/Postal Code. This will place the pin in the center of the Zip/Postal Code and you will be able to move the pin to the correct geolocation.
3) Enter an optional Suite/Apt.
4) Enter an optional Load/Unload time.
4) Enter an optional Note and click Save.
Import Contacts
Contacts can be imported across Accounts in Addresses.
Always make sure to download the latest import file before doing an import. Only the Import contact file can be used to import contacts. Using the Hub or Global address file will give an error.
1) Click on Import button and select Contacts.
2) In the Import dialog box, download the Import Template by clicking on Download Template:
A template.csv file will be downloaded to your default download folder.
3) Keep the first row as is since this is needed when importing the file.
The second row is there to help you fill in the information however it must be deleted prior to saving the file for import.
Keep the file as a CSV UTF-8 format.
4) Fill in column A if you want to create a Contact on the Account and leave column B blank.
Fill in column B if you want to create a Contact on a User rather than on the Account and leave column A blank.
5) This is required:
For Account Contact, enter the Account ID. This field is found in Accounts in the Account ID column:
For User Contact, enter the email of the User.
6) Enter the mandatory contact name, phone number, address line 1, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Language
7) Enter the optional contact email, address line 2, Company, notes, load/unload time in minutes.
8) If the address cannot be found, you can enter its latitude and longitude. If this is not provided, Dispatch Science will geocode the address from the required address fields.
9) Save As the file as a CSV UTF-8
10) In the Import dialog box, click on Select a File... to open the file locator where you can select the file or drag and drop the file in the gray rectangle then click on Upload.
Once the contacts are uploaded, you will receive a confirmation through email letting you know if errors were found. If one or more contact cannot be geocoded, the log will let you know what has not imported.
You can then correct the information in the file and do the upload again.
Any contact that cannot be geolocated will not be imported. You will receive an email with the log of the import. Load and Unload time can be set to a maximum of 120 minutes.
Import Global Addresses
Global Addresses can be imported in Addresses.
Always make sure to download the latest import file before doing an import. Only the Import global address file can be used to import Global Addresses. Using the Hub or Contact file will give an error.
1) Click on Import button and select Global Addresses.
2) In the Import dialog box, download the Import Template by clicking on Download Template:
A template.csv file will be downloaded to your default download folder.
3) Keep the first row as is since this is needed when importing the file.
The second row is there to help you fill in the information however it must be deleted prior to saving the file for import.
Keep the file as a CSV UTF-8 format.
4) Enter the required Address Line 1, State/Province, City and Zip/Postal Code.
5) Enter the optional Company name, Notes, Load/Unload Time (min).
6) If the address cannot be found, you can enter its latitude and longitude. If this is not provided, Dispatch Science will geocode the address from the required address fields.
7) Save As the file as a CSV UTF-8
8) In the Import dialog box, click on Select a File... to open the file locator where you can select the file or drag and drop the file in the gray rectangle then click on Upload.
Once the global addresses are uploaded, you will receive a confirmation through email letting you know if errors were found. If one or more global address cannot be geocoded, the log will let you know what has not imported.
You can then correct the information in the file and do the upload again.
Global addresses that cannot be geolocated will not be imported. You will receive an email with the log of the import. Load and unload time can be set to a maximum of 120 minutes.
Import Hubs
Hubs can be imported in Addresses.
Always make sure to download the latest import file before doing an import. Only the Import hub file can be used to import Hubs. Using the Contact or Global address file will give an error.
1) Click on Import button and select Hubs.
2) In the Import dialog box, download the Import Template by clicking on Download Template:
A template.csv file will be downloaded to your default download folder.
2) Keep the first row as this is needed when importing the file.
The second row is there to help you fill in the information however it must be deleted prior to saving the file for import.
Keep the file as a CSV UTF-8 format.
3) Enter the optional contact name, phone number, email, address line 2, notes and load/unload time in minutes.
4) Enter the required address line 1, city, Zip/Postal Code, language.
5) If the address cannot be found, you can enter its latitude and longitude. If this is not provided, Dispatch Science will geocode the address from the required address fields.
6) Save As the file as a CSV UTF-8
7) In the Import dialog box, click on Select a File... to open the file locator where you can select the file or drag and drop the file in the gray rectangle then click on Upload.
Once the hubs are uploaded, you will receive a confirmation through email letting you know if errors were found. If one or more hub cannot be geocoded, the log will let you know what has not imported.
You can then correct the information in the file and do the upload again.
Any hub that cannot be geolocated will not be imported. You will receive an email with the log of the import. Load and Unload time can be set to a maximum of 120 minutes.
Edit a Contact
A contact can be edited directly from Addresses without having to open its Account.
1) Search by address or from a contact then check the contact and click on Edit button.
2) Modify the information and click on Save:
Bulk Edit Contacts or Addresses
An Account Contacts can be bulk edited from Addresses without having to open each contact individually. Contacts from different accounts can also have their company and address modified. You can also bulk edit history or global addresses.
Bulk Edit of Contacts allows blanking values, keeping existing values or editing the values of the selected contacts. The blanking values is only available for fields that are not required.
That same drop-down will also give you access to the values stored in the selected contacts if you need to
By default, values that are not edited will remain the same in the selected contacts. These fields will show with a Current values and will be kept.
Note that you can enter a value in the fields and on Save, that value will be applied to all selected contacts.
Before bulk editing, contacts must be selected in the list and the contacts need to be from the same Account.
Please refer to the Search by Contact user guide if help is needed to find the contacts.
When Bulk editing contacts from different accounts or from accounts and history/global addresses or just multiple history/global addresses, the following information will be available to be edited:
The drop-down field will show the list of entries used in the selected contacts/addresses.
Either select one entry or enter a new entry to modify the Company or and/or Address and/or Suite/Apt.
Using the Clear Value will clear the information, this option is available in Company and Suite/Apt.
Once modifications are done, click on Save.
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