
The release notes refer to different sections of the application:

Back Office: Where Customer Service Representatives (CSR) create and edit orders, create accounts, review drivers, etc.

Dispatch Board: Where Dispatchers assign orders to drivers, get notifications for invalid orders, etc.

Auto-Dispatch: This section refers to the automated order assignment setup and its process.

Administration: This section is in the Back Office but refers to sections only an administrator will use like Settings and Pricing.

Customer Portal: Where account users log in to create orders, view their order history, enter a credit card, etc.

Tracking site: Where customers enter a tracking number like the order ID or a reference number to view the status of their order.

Account API: API provided to your accounts to create, update and get orders. For documentation, please follow this link:
Tenant API: API provided to you to create orders for your accounts, retrieve invoices and change invoice status. For documentation, please follow this link:  


Holidays can be imported or entered directly in Dispatch Science.

Import Holidays

Please use the attached CSV file at the end of this article to import Holidays.

1) Fill in the CSV file and save

Note: A date can only be imported once. If the date was already added in the Holidays, it will not be reimported again. You can modify the name of the holiday by editing it, see below for instructions.

2) Click on Settings then click on Holidays and click on Import CSV File

3) Select the file with the holidays and click on Open or Cancel if you wish to abort the upload.

4) The list will refresh with the list of imported holidays.

Add a Holiday

1) Click on Settings then click on Holidays

2) Click on New Holiday

3) Type the name and enter a date for the holiday then click Save

Edit a Holiday

1) Click on Settings then click on Holidays

2) Click on a Holiday in the list

3) Edit the name or date making sure to enter a date that is not already used then save.


Delete a Holiday

1) Click on the garbage can to the right of the holiday 

2) Click Ok to delete or cancel to return to the list without deleting the holiday

Note: you can also delete a holiday while editing. Click on a holiday then click on Delete.

Note: Please note that in the holiday calendar setup, holidays take precedence over service level schedules. This means that if a holiday is designated on the calendar, it will override any existing service level schedules for that day. For instance, if a service level schedule indicates that a service should be available on a specific day, but that day is marked as a holiday in the holiday calendar, the holiday setting will take priority.