Dispatch Science includes templates for exporting data for import into Quickbooks Online. There are two predominant options:

  1. Invoices only
  2. Accounts Receivable

Invoices Only

Invoices are exported to a CSV file which can then be imported into QBO. While the template works for most cases, it depends on your Quickbooks configuration. It may be that Dispatch Science requires a specific template for your instance. To do this:

  • Go to QBO > Settings > Import
  • Click "Download an example"
  • Send the file to your Dispatch Science support agent

Accounts Receivable

Dispatch Science can export the full G/L transaction list based on your Accounting Profile. As with the Invoices Only option, the default template should meet most clients' needs. However should a custom template be required, you can provide a sample by following these steps:

  1. Settings > Tools > Import data
  2. Choose either Invoices or Journal Entries (as appropriate)
  3. Click "Download an example"