Release Note for Driver App version 1.11.523
Note: The phone date and time should be set to the same date and time as the company.
OS/Android version minimum requirement
The Driver App can be installed on IOS version 10 or above, Android version 4.1 or above.
Prevent Screen Capture on Android
If option to deactivate screen capture on Android is enabled on the Driver Profile on Dispatch Science, driver receives an error message when they attempt to do a screen capture.
For more information, please review release notes for version 1.10.
Photos and Notes on Orders
A driver can add one or more photo to an order and include a note.
Add a photo to an order
Photos can be added to a stop details. Photos will show on the order in the Back Office for both the pickup and the delivery. Image will be around 500KB.
1) Open a stop details from My Run then scroll down to the Photos section and tap on . Select to take a photo with the camera, from your image library or cancel to return to the order details.
2) Take a photo from the camera:
Select Camera and take the photo. If you change your mind, you can tap on Cancel to exit the Photo addition (on Android, use the X located in the top left of the screen to cancel the photo addition).
Select Retake if you wish to retake the photo (this will delete the previous photo taken) and take it again). On Android, tap on the located at the bottom to retake the photo.
If you are satisfied with the photo, tap on Use Photo. On Android, tap located at the bottom center to use the photo.
Note: If you are using a photo from your photo library, select a photo. Driver App will ask to get access to your Photos, tap Ok.
3) Tap in the Notes section to open the keyboard and start typing or dictating your note. Tap on Done when the note is written.
The photo will show in the stop details.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each new photo to add.
An entry will be added in the order history for each photo added to the order.
Note: The photo for both stops will show in the stop details.
Edit the note on a photo or delete the photo and the note
The notes can be edited on a photo.
1) Open the stop and scroll down to the Photos section then tap on the photo to edit.
2) Tap on the note to open the keyboard and make changes then tap on Done. Tap on Delete Attachment if you want to delete the image.
Note: an entry will be added in order history when a photo is deleted or a note is updated.
Fill in Reference Fields
If the option is setup in the Driver Profile, driver will be able to fill in the Reference Fields either by selecting a value from a list, typing a value or scanning a barcode. If the option is disabled, the driver will still see the reference fields but they will be locked.
When enabled, the driver will see a pencil icon beside the reference field:
Fill in a reference of type Drop-Down field
1) Click on the reference. This opens a window with the list of items to select from:
Select one of the value.
Note: Tapping on Cancel will return to the order stop detail without making a change. Clicking on the blank row will erase the value that was previously selected.
Fill in a reference of type Text field
1) Click on the reference. This opens a window with the list of items to select from:
Type in the value and tap Ok.
Note: Tapping on Cancel will return to the order stop detail without making a change. Reediting the value will show a blank dialog box and tapping Ok will then erase the value in the field.
Fill in a reference of type Text field
1) Click on the reference. This opens the scan window:
Scan a barcode and tap on Done. You can use the light if needed or tap the keyboard to type in the value.
Note: Tapping on Done without scanning anything will keep the existing value.
Bug Fixes
Fix Typo when creating order from the Driver App
When no accounts were found nearby, there was a typo in the message displayed to the driver.
Address shows centered when too long on the stop details
When address line 1 was very long, it would show centered on the stop detail rather than left aligned.
Driver email showing on My Run above Earning and Stops
The driver email which was showing on My Run above the earning, orders and stops has been removed.
End time not showing if returning from Away before requested time
The driver end duty time was no longer showed once driver set himself On Duty after being Away.
Driver My Run not updated once an order is put on hold
Driver had to manually refresh My Run when putting an order on hold to see its color changed and move to the bottom of the list.