Using the Warehouse mode

1) Click on Warehouse on the Driver App.

2) In warehouse mode, scan a barcode or click on the keyboard icon and type the barcode. Driver route sequence and basic order information will be displayed.


Checkpoint scanning on the Driver App

A warehouse worker or a driver can scan packages on orders at different checkpoints. The checkpoint scan will then be added to the order's audit trail and can also be displayed on the Customer tracking page to let the customer know where their order is at points in time.

There are two types of checkpoint scans:

Warehouse staff or driver can scan packages as they arrive at a checkpoint.

Drivers can scan packages as they are picked up from a checkpoint or dropped at a checkpoint. In this case, only the orders dispatched to a driver will be available to be scanned.

Note: Only drivers who have the right to use the warehouse module will have this functionality available on their driver app.

For more information on setting up warehouse workers, giving access to warehouse module to drivers and setting up checkpoints, please see Release Version 1.4 - January 21 2019 and refer to sections: New warehouse worker user, New warehouse access for driver and Checkpoint setup.


Scan at checkpoint in warehouse module

1) In Driver App, logged in as a warehouse worker or a driver with warehouse right, click on the Warehouse module and then click on the checkpoint icon to see the list of checkpoints that are available:

2) The list of checkpoints are filtered by the user type (warehouse worker or driver) and if setup on the checkpoint, the user location. Select a checkpoint.

3) The warehouse checkpoint mode is now active.

Displayed is the name of the selected checkpoint, the number of packages within the order being scanned, the total number of packages and a keyboard to enter barcodes manually.

4) Scan the first package by pointing the camera to the barcode or by entering the barcode through the keyboard, the order information will be displayed at the bottom of the screen to help sort the packages. 

If an order has only 1 package, the order will automatically be added to the order count and the checkpoint will be added to the order history.

If an order has more than 1 package, the package count will increase by 1 but not the order count (see image 3). Order will only be added to the order count once all packages on the order have been scanned and it is at this time that the checkpoint will be added to the order history.

If a package was already scanned, an error message indicating the order was already scanned will display and the screen will turn red briefly.

If a package is scanned but the order cannot be found, a message indicating the order was not found is displayed.

5) Once all orders are scanned, press Done. 

If at that time, some orders were partially scanned (missing packages), a warning will be displayed. Click Yes to discard the orders that were not totally scanned, click No to return to the Checkpoint scan and scan the remaining packages.

6) Once the checkpoint scanning is done, Checkpoint mode is existed and Warehouse mode is displayed. 

Scan at checkpoint in My Run

1) In Driver App on My Run, logged in as a driver with or without warehouse right, click on the the checkpoint icon to see the list of available checkpoints:

2) Select a checkpoint.

3) Scan the first package by pointing the camera to the barcode or by entering the barcode through the keyboard, the order information will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. 

If an order has only 1 package, the order will automatically be added to the order count and the checkpoint will be added to the order history. 

If an order has more than 1 package, the package count will increase by 1 but not the order count. Order will only be added to the order count once all packages on the order have been scanned and it is at this time that the checkpoint will be added to the order history.

If a package is scanned but the order cannot be found, a message indicating the order cannot be found will display.

If a package is scanned but is not dispatched/assigned to the driver, an error message indicating the order is not assigned to the driver will display and the screen will turn red briefly.

If a package was already scanned, an error message will display and the screen will turn red briefly.

5) Once all orders are scanned, press Done. 

If at that time, some orders were partially scanned (missing packages), you will get a warning. Click Yes to discard the orders that were not totally scanned, click No to return to the Checkpoint scan and scan the remaining packages.

6) Upon checkpoint completion, My Run is displayed.