New Features for Release 1.59

Modified on Tue, 8 Aug, 2023 at 3:57 PM

These features are available on your Test site as of the evening of July 25th, on your Preproduction site in the evening of July 27th and on your Production site in the evening of July 31st.

Note that the following Integration-Tenants API calls will be removed in Version 1.60. They are marked as obsolete in version 1.59. 
Please make sure you remove them and use the new calls.

To get all fuel surcharges schedules:
GET /api/v1/fuelsurcharges and GET /api/v1/fuelsurcharges/surcharge-schedules will be deprecated in version 1.60
Use instead  GET /surcharge-schedules endpoint 

To get a specific fuel surcharge schedule:
GET /api/v1/fuelsurcharges/{id} and GET /api/v1/fuelsurcharges/surcharge-schedules/{id} will be deprecated in version 1.60
Use instead GET /surcharge-schedules/:Id endpoint

New Features in This Release

Reattempt Charges on Segments

Fuel Surcharge Schedule

Credit Notes in Transactions

New Option to Control who Receives Invoices and Account Notifications

Validation of Scripted Extra Fee



The release notes refer to different sections of the application:

Back Office: Where Customer Service Representatives (CSR) create and edit orders, create accounts, review drivers, etc.

Dispatch Board: Where Dfe hers assign orders to drivers, get notifications for invalid orders, etc.

Auto-Dispatch: This section refers to the automated order assignment setup and its process.

Administration: This section is in the Back Office but refers to sections only an administrator will use like Settings and Pricing.

Customer Portal: Where account users log in to create orders, view their order history, enter a credit card, etc.

Tracking site: Where customers enter a tracking number like the order ID or a reference number to view the status of their order.

OData: Data fields and variables saved in OData

Account API: API provided to your accounts to create, update and get orders. For documentation, please follow this link:
Tenant API: API provided to you to create orders for your accounts, retrieve invoices and change invoice status. For documentation, please follow this link:  

Scripting: Custom script building abilities and functions within Dispatch Science


Driver App 


Icon Change on Create Order

The icons to create Orders when tapping the + in the Order List from the Driver App have been changed:

Signature Workflow Step Improvement

The signature page can now be used in portrait or landscape mode on mobile devices. 

The Clear and Confirm button are well delimited to easily tap one or the other. 


Automatic Offline Mode

If a driver is using the Driver App in an area with weak cell reception and their stop completion fails to be processed in Dispatch Science, the Driver App will automatically turn itself to Offline mode. The attempted stop completion will then be saved and sent when the Driver regains cell reception. 

When going offline, the following will be visible in the Home tab as well as My Run. Some features will not be available:

To reconnect, simply tab on the gray bar. If the network is still weak, you will receive the following message:

If the network is good, you will be reconnected, and the stops done while offline will be uploaded. 

The Driver App will automatically reconnect when connected to WIFI.

If Driver has not reconnected in 8 hours, the following message will be displayed to remind the Driver to reconnect.

Back Office


Reattempt Charges on Segments

In previous releases, when a segment was put on Hold and then later released with a Reattempt charge, the charge would only be added to the segment.

As of release 1.59, the Reattempt charge will be copied from the Segment to the Multi-segment. 

Once copied to the Multi-segment, there is no link in between the charge on the Segment and the charge on the Multi-segment. If a change is made on the Segment Reattempt charge, the charge will not be carried over to the Multi-Segment.

Order Templates

A new Route field is available on the Order Template to specify the Route in which an order should be assigned to when an Order is created by a CSR or Self-Serve user with an Order Template. This field is not visible to the Self-Serve users, only visible to Internal users.

The Order Account and Service Level fields are used to find the Route Plan to which an Order should be assigned. If a Route Plan is found, the Order will be assigned to the Route specified in the Additional Info. If the Route already exists, it will be added to that Route. If the Route is setup on the Route Plan, the Route will be created from the setup and the Order assigned to the Route. If the Route is not setup on the Route Plan, it will be created as a manual Route and the Order will be assigned to the Route. 

The Route name field on the Order Template will be disregarded if the Order is created from the Order Template on a Recurring Order. The Route name is only used when the Order is created manually using the Order Template.

Setup the Route Name on an Order Template

1) Click on Orders, Recurrences, Manage Order Templates.

2) In the list of Order Templates, find and open the Order Template to edit.

3) Click on Additional Info tab. At the bottom of the tab, you have the new Route Name field:

4) Edit the section and enter the Route Name then click Save.
This can also be done while creating an Order Template.

The Route Name should only contain alphanumeric characters with a dash or underscore. No spaces are allowed in a Route name.

5) Click on Save.

Route Plans

Additional features were added to allow you to override a driver in the Route Recurrences depending on the Schedule and the Zone. You will also be able to import your Route Plan Schedules instead of entering them manually. 

Override a Driver on a Route Recurrence

1) Open Orders, Route Plans then open the Route Plan to edit. 

Only Route Plans that are ZIP Based have Route Recurrences.

2) In the Schedules section, expand a Schedule to see its Route Recurrences.

You will notice the new Override Driver column that was added:

3) To override the Driver for this zone in this schedule, click in the cell to enable it. 

4) Start typing the first name or last name or Driver Number and the list will filter. Select the Driver. Click out of the Driver field to save the selection.

If you have the same Zone in the same Schedule and you attempt to override the Zone with a different Driver, once you click out of the Driver field, you will be asked if the Recurring Orders in the same Zone in the same Schedule should be overridden with the new Driver. 
Clicking on Update will override the Driver in the Zones.
Clicking on Cancel will set the Zone Driver back to its previous selection.

Import Route Schedules

When importing Route Schedules using the new Import feature, the existing Schedules will be overridden. It is important to start with the Schedule File if you are adding or updating existing Schedules rather than the Template file.

1) Open Orders, Route Plans then open the Route Plan to edit. 

Only Route Plans that are ZIP Based have Route Recurrences.

2) In the Schedules section, click on Import Schedules button.

3) A dialog box opens where you will be able to download a Template to fill in your Schedules, be able to download the Schedules already imported to make changes and Upload the file back to update the existing Schedules and/or create the new Schedules. 

Clicking on the  will give you the list of columns and the information to fill in:

4) Click on Template file to start importing Schedules in a new Route Plan.

Click on Schedule file to add to or update existing Schedules.

Schedules will be overridden with the content of the file that is uploaded.
Make sure to use the Schedule file if you are updating or adding new Schedules to a Route which already has Schedules.

5) Fill in the spreadsheet with the appropriate data. Review the information in the Information.

6) Save the file.

7) Click on Import Schedule, click on Select a file then navigate to the file and select it or drag and drop the file in the dialog box then click on Upload. 

The new or updated Schedules will be imported.

A New Right was added to allow users to be able to import the Schedule file. For more information, see below under Roles.


New Option to Control who Receives Invoices and Account Notifications

A new option was added on the Account main contact as well as the Account Users to specify who should be receiving the Invoices as well as the Account Contact Notifications. 

Option to Control if Main Account Contact Receives the Invoice by Email

Previously, the main contact setup on the Account as well as the Users who were setup to receive the invoice would get the Invoice by email.

You can now prevent the Account main contact to receive the Invoice. If the main Account is unselected, an Account User must be setup to receive the Invoice otherwise the Invoice will not be sent.

1) Click on Accounts then click on the Account you wish to edit to open it.

2) Click on Edit in the main Account Information section.

At the bottom of the screen, you now have a new option:


On upgrade to version 1.59, all Accounts main contact will have this option checked if the Account main contact is setup with an email. 

3) Check the option if you wish to have the main contact on the Account to receive the invoices. 

Uncheck the option to remove the main contact from the Invoice email. 

If you uncheck the option, you must have at least one Account user where the option to receive the email is selected otherwise the invoice will never be sent.
To setup an Account user, click on Users button in the top right of the Account Details, then click on a user to edit.
At the bottom of the User details, click on Send Invoices checkbox then save.

4) Click on Save.

Option to Control if Main Account Contact Receives the Account User Notifications

Previously, the main contact setup on the Account would be the email who would receive the Notifications setup under the Account Contact section in Notification Template.

You can now remove the user from getting the Account Contact Notifications and instead nominate one or more of the Account Users as the recipients.

1) Click on Accounts then click on the Account you wish to edit to open it.

2) Click on Edit in the main Account Information section.

At the bottom of the screen, you now have a new option:

On upgrade to version 1.59, all Accounts main contact will have this option checked if the Account main contact is setup with an email. 

3) Check the option if you wish the main contact on the Account to receive the Notifications from the Account Contact section. 

Uncheck the option to remove the main contact from the Notification. 

4) Click on Save.

Setup and Account User as one of the Invoice Email Recipient.

1) Click on Accounts then click on the Account you wish to edit to open it.

2) Click on Users button to open the list of Users on the Account.

3) In the User list, click on a User to edit.

4) At the bottom of the screen, you have the option to set the User as a Recipient on the Order Notifications.

Check the option to include this User as a recipient in the Invoice email To section.

4) Click on Save.

Option to Control if Account User Receives the Account User Notifications

Previously, only the main contact email setup on the Account would receive Notifications setup under the Account Contact section in Notification Templates. You can now add one or more Account users as additional recipients on these Notifications.

1) Click on Accounts then click on the Account you wish to edit to open it.

2) Click on Users button to open the list of Users on the Account.

3) In the User list, click on a User to edit.

4) At the bottom of the screen, you have the option to set the User as a Recipient on the Invoice email.

Check the option if you wish the user to receive the Notifications from the Account Contact section. 

Uncheck the option to remove the user from the Notification section:


4) Click on Save.

Notification Templates

A link is now available to open the selected Content Template in the Notification Template.

1) Open Accounts, Notifications and click on the Notification Template to edit.

2) In the Notification Template, you will notice the  beside the selected Content Template name.

3) Click on  to open the Content Template in a new window.

Credit Notes in Transactions

As of 1.59, a new Credit Note feature is available to you. By default, upon upgrade, this feature is disabled but can be enabled by sending an email to Support and requesting it to be turned on. 

Before the Credit Note feature is turned on, you will need to have your Transaction Reports updated. Please send the list of Transaction Reports that will need updated to include the Credit Notes and Support will send you a quote.

Default Transaction reports that come with Dispatch Science are updated to include the Credit Notes. 

Those are:
AR Aging Detail by Customer
AR Aging Detail
AR Aging Summary
Statement with Transactions
AR Aging Detail in CSV
Transaction List

A default Credit Note report is available and is installed when Credit Note is enabled on your site. It needs to be associated to the Accounts that will use Credit Notes.

Setup Credit Note Report on Accounts

1) Open Accounts then click on the Account to set the Credit Note report.

2) In the Account details, click to edit Billing Options section.

3) In the Billing Options, a new field is available called Credit Note Template. This is located above Debit Note Template:

4) Select the default Credit Note template or one you requested to have created.

5) Click Save.

Setup Accounting Items and Accounting Profile for Credit Notes

The Debit Note Accounting Items as well as the Accounting Profile items are shared with the Credit Notes. If you do not need to create additional Accounting Items for Credit Notes, you will be able to use the ones that were created for the Debit Notes. 

1) Open Settings, Configurations, Accounting then click on Accounting Items.

2) Click on New Accounting Item

3) Enter the information and select type as Debit/Credit Note and click on Save.

4) Repeat for each Credit Note Accounting Item.

5) Click on Accounting Profiles then click on the Accounting Profile to edit.

6) In the Income Postings section, click Edit.

7) You can setup the Debit and Credit Note Accounting Items then click Save when done. 

When creating a Debit note, the Debit Account will be debited and the Credit Account will be credited.
When creating a Credit note, the Debit Account will be credited and the Credit Account will be debited. 
If you have taxes, when creating a Credit note, the tax accounts will be debited if taxes are added to the Credit Note Accounting Item. 

Create a Credit Note

1) Open Accounts, then click on Transactions.

2) In the New Transaction menu, select Create a Credit Note.

3) Select an Account, enter the document date and an optional Document Type. 

4) Click on Add Item then select the Accounting Item.

5) Enter an optional description, tax if needed and set to edit, amount if entered and set to edit.

The amount must be a positive value. It will show as negative in the total.

6) Enter an optional Memo and click on Save.

The Credit Note can be applied as a payment.

Edit an Unapplied Credit Note

1) Click on the Credit Note number.

2) You can edit the Document type, add or remove Accounting items, edit the taxes if setup to be editable, edit the price if setup to be editable, edit the memo.

3) Click on Save when done.

Use a Credit Note in a Payment

1) Open Accounts, then click on Transactions.

2) In the New Transaction menu, select Receive Payment.

3) Select the Account and change the date if needed, Payment Method and Reference Number can be left blank.

4) In the Credits section, you will see the Credit Notes. Enter the amount from the open balance to apply.

5) In the Outstanding Transactions, enter the amount to apply to the different lines.

6) Click on Save to apply.

Document Type Field in Debit and Credit Notes

A new optional Document Type field has been added to the Credit and Debit Notes. Once set, this field can be used in reports.

If you need to setup Document Type for your Credit or Debit Note, please contact Support with the list of Document Type for both types of Notes. 

Reports will need to be updated to use the new field. Please contact Support if you need to have reports updated with the new field.

Dispatch Board


Closing a Route

In previous versions, when closing a Route Container, the user was asked what should happen to the orders that were not yet delivered, move to next Route or convert to On Demand. This question was asked regardless of if all orders were delivered or not. 

The question will now only be asked if there are remaining active Orders on the Route. 

Close an Empty Route Container

1) Open Dispatch Board, click on Routes.

2) Navigate to the Route Container which should be closed.

3) Click on   to close the Route Container.

4) The following message will be displayed if there are no active Orders on the Route Container:

5) Click on Close Route Container button to close the Route Container or Cancel to return without closing. 

If there are still active Orders, the following message will be displayed, and you will be able to select what to do with those Orders:

Self Serve

Dynamic Views

Dynamic Views can be setup as icons on the left-hand side menu for Self-Serve Users.  


Fuel Surcharge

Fuel Surcharge is found under Pricing

Fuel surcharges now have the ability to be applied according to Order rules, be it by values within the Order or by Script. A new Fuel Surcharge Schedule was added and, on upgrade to version 1.59, all Fuel surcharges were converted to a Fuel Surcharge Schedule. A default Fuel Surcharge Schedule has been added to each Company and will be applied to each existing and newly created Account by default.

Fuel Surcharge Schedule

In the Fuel Surcharge Schedule, you can associate a Fuel Surcharge Table with rules. If no rules are included in the Fuel Surcharge Schedule, the default Fuel Surcharge Table is used. In order to use a Fuel Surcharge Table associated to a rule, the result of the rule must be TRUE. 

Rules are created under Settings, Configurations, Order, Rules.

For more information on how to create value-based rules, please refer to:  

 For more information on how to create script-based rules, please refer to:

Edit an Existing Fuel Surcharge Schedule

1) Open Pricing, click on Fuel Surcharges and from the list, click on a Fuel Surcharge Schedule to edit it.

2) The Name can be edited.

3) The Fuel Surcharge Table can be changed by clicking in the field and selecting a new Table. 

4) Rules can be added:

    a) Click on Add Rule button and the Edit Rule will open.
        A rule must return a value of TRUE for the Fuel Surcharge Table to be used. 

   b) Enter a priority.

       The priority is used to determine which Fuel Surcharge Table will be used if more than one rule matches the content of the Order.

    c) Select the Rule in Order Rule.

    d) Select the Fuel Surcharge Table

    e) Click Save

The rule will be added to the list. 

5) Repeat step 4 for the additional rules. 

Remove a Rule from A Fuel Surcharge Schedule

1) Open Pricing, click on Fuel Surcharges and from the list, click on a Fuel Surcharge Schedule to edit it.

2) In the list of rules, click the garbage bin to the right of the rule to delete it.

You can also click anywhere in the rule then click on Delete button to delete the Rule.

3) Click on Yes to delete the rule or Cancel to keep it.

Edit a Rule in a Fuel Surcharge Schedule

1) Open Pricing, click on Fuel Surcharges and from the list, click on a Fuel Surcharge Schedule to edit it.

2) Click anywhere on the rule to open the rule,

3) Edit the priority, the order rule or the Fuel Surcharge table.

4) Click Save in the Rule.

Create a New Fuel Surcharge Schedule

1) Open Pricing, click on Fuel Surcharges.

2) Click on New Schedule.

3) Enter a name and select the default Fuel Surcharge Table then click on Save.

4) Follow the steps in the Edit Rules above to add existing Fuel Surcharge Schedules.

Extra Fees

Extra Fees are found under Pricing

Validation of Scripted Extra Fee

A new validation is available for the Scripted Extra Fee and, if setup on the Script, will prevent the accidental import of an invalid Excel Sheet to the Scripted Extra Fee.

For more information on how to setup the validation, please review Validation on Script below.

Download the Excel Spreadsheet Template

When setup on the Script, an Excel Spreadsheet Template can be made available for the user on the Scripted Extra Fee.

1) Click on Pricing, Extra Fees and open an Extra Fee Schedule.

2) Either add the Extra Fee and fill in the information then set as a Scripted Extra Fee or open an existing Scripted Extra Fee. 

3) If the Script has been setup with a Template, a new Download Template button will be available below the File text box:

4) Click on the Download Template to download the Template file. 

Upload an Excel File on a Scripted Extra Fee

When the validation is setup on the Script, a check is made when the Excel file is imported.

1) Click on Pricing, Extra Fees and open an Extra Fee Schedule.

2) Either add the Extra Fee and fill in the information then set as a Scripted Extra Fee or open an existing Scripted Extra Fee. 

3) Click on Choose File button then navigate to the Excel file to import. Select the file and click on Open.

The file name will show up beside the Choose File button.

4) Click on Save.

The file will be reviewed against the Template format to ensure the file is valid. 

If the file does not match the Template format, an error message will show, and the Extra Fee will not be saved.

You can then fix the file and reimport.

If the file is valid, the Extra Fee will be saved.

Links are found under Settings then under Companies.

In previous releases, links could be setup to show at the top right corner of the Self-Serve page. They can now be setup to show on the left-hand side menu as well. 

To easily visualize where the links will be displayed, additional columns were added to the Link List:

Position: Main Side Menu or Top Menu

Side Menu Position: Before or After Existing Menu.

Links could be set to show on the top right of different Self-Serve pages. It can now also be added to the Self-Serve Side menu either before the list of existing menu icon or after. 

It's now also possible to use the link to a Dynamic View in the Link's URL field. You will need to make sure that the users have access to that Dynamic View.

If the user who attempts to open a Dynamic View through the icon was not given access to the Dynamic View in the Account's profile under Self-Serve Options, the menu icon will be displayed but the user will see the following error message when clicking on the icon:

1) Click on Settings, Companies, Links.

2) Edit an existing Link Set or create a new Link Set.

3) In the Link Set list, edit an existing Link or add a new Link.
Fill in all information including the icon. 

4) A new Position field is now available to select where the Link should be positioned:

Top Menu

Main Side Menu

5) Select Top Menu to add the Link to the top right hand side of the page that you can select in Page Option. 

Select Main Side Menu to add the Link to the left hand side menu then select if the Link should be added above the regular Self-Serve menu icons or below in the Side Menu Position field.

6) Click Save. 

New icons were added and are now available to be used when adding a Dynamic View as a menu item or a URL link. Here are the list of links available:


Roles are found under Settings , Configurations, System.

Filter on Role Rights

A filter is available in the Role to show a role's permissions, or selected rights. This will allow you to see at a glance what the Role has access to.

1) Click on Settings, Configurations, System, Roles.

2) In the list of Roles, click on the Role to review. 

3) Check the Show Checked Only checkbox to filter the list of rights to only those which are selected.

The list of rights will filter to only show the ones where View, Edit, Action and Access have been selected:

4) To show all rights again, simply uncheck the Show Checked Only checkbox.

New Rights for Credit Note

Two new Action rights were added to secure the new Credit Note feature:

These rights will be set as checked automatically for Administrators and you will allow the Administrator to create Credit Note, Modify and Cancel Credit Notes. 

New Rights for Routes

Two new rights were added to the Routes:

These rights will be set as checked automatically for Internal users who had Edit access to the Routes. 

These will apply to the Route menu, to the Order details menu on the Dispatch Board and Dispatch Board grid.

New Rights for Import Route Schedules

A new right was added to allow users to import Route Schedules. This new right will automatically be checked for users with Edit Route Plans permission.


Scripts are found under Settings then System.

Validation on Script

A template file can now be associated to an Extra Fee Script to allow the user to download an Excel template when they need to fill out the Extra Fee data. 

A validation checkbox is also available to verify that the file imported by the user in the Extra Fee is valid. 

Add a Template File to an Extra Fee Script

 1) Click on Settings, System, Scripts.

2) Click on the Script to edit in the list of Scripts.

3) In the Script Information, click on Choose File button:

4) Navigate to the file template for this script and select it then click on Open. 

The file name will show in the text box. Click on Save to save the template file.

Download a Template File from an Extra Fee Script

 1) Click on Settings, System, Scripts.

2) Click on the Script to edit in the list of Scripts.

3) In the Script Information, click on Download Template File button:

The file will be downloaded.

To Remove a Template File from an Extra Fee Script:

1) Click on Settings, System, Scripts.

2) Click on the Script to edit in the list of Scripts.

3) In the Script Information, click the :

4) Click Ok in the confirmation message.

The file will be removed permanently.

Add Validation to an Extra Fee Script with File Template

1) Click on Settings, System, Scripts.

2) Click on the Script to edit in the list of Scripts.

3) Ensure the file is attached then click on Validate checkbox. 

4) At the top of the script, add the following script information to return an error when the user imports an invalid file:

public async Task<string?> ValidateFile(ScriptCell[] sheetValues)

                ADD VERIFICATION NEEDED HERE (see step 5)

        return null;
If you omit the additional script information, you will not be able to save the script with the Validation checkbox checked. An error message will be displayed and the script will not be saved:

5) Enter the verification and error messages you need such as:

Is the file empty?    

        if (!sheetValues.Any())            
                return "File is empty!";            
Verify specific column or row names in the file:
        if ((!sheetValues.Any(x => x.ColumnName == "COLUMNNAME")) && 
            (!sheetValues.Any(x => x.RowName == "ROWNAME")))
                return "The uploaded file does not match the template file.";    

5) Save the script.

Setting Service Levels, Route Plan, Route or Driver when adding Hubs

When adding hubs to an order, the Service Level, Route Plan, Route or Driver can also be specified.

For more information about this feature, please review

This override is available when adding Hubs using HubInfo but is not available when adding Hubs using the Hub ID feature that was introduced in version 1.58.

When specifying the Service Level, the Segments will use the Service Level and the Pickup and Delivery windows will recalculate as per the selected Service Level. The Service Level will be set according to these rules:

1) Service Level is valid for the Account and is not a Reattempt Service Level: Service Level will be assigned to the Segment.

2) Service Level is valid for the Account but is a Reattempt Service Level: The Segment will use the same Service Level as the Multi-Segment and will disregard the specified Service Level.

3) Service Level is invalid: The Segment will use the same Service Level as the Multi-Segment and will disregard the specified Service Level.

When specifying Route Plan and/or Route, the Driver is ignored, and the Segments will be placed in a Route on a Route Container according to these rules:

1) Specify both the Route Plan and the Route: Regardless of the Route Plan configuration, the Segment will be placed on the specified Route Plan in the Route.

2) Specify only the Route Plan: The Segment will be placed on the Route Container according to the Schedule in the Route Plan and according to the Route in the Route Plan Configuration. If no Route is found, it will be placed in the Unmapped Route.

3) Specify only the Route: The Segment will be placed in a Route Container according to the Route Plans configuration in the specified Route. If no Route Plan matches the Segment information (Account+Service Level), the Segment will not be placed in a Route and will remain On Demand.

When specifying the Driver ID (Driver GUID which can be found by opening the Driver in Dispatch Science and taking the ending of the URL), the Route Plan and Route should not be specified. The Segment created will be dispatched to the user when it is created.

1) Add the following section to the HubInfo section below the Address and Contact:

    SegmentOverrideInfos = new SegmentOverrideInfo[]                                                     {


2) In this section, add a Segment Override for each Segment created in the HubInfo section.

For example, in the first HubInfo, you enter one Hub that will create 2 segments. You should therefore add 2 Segment Override Info for the first Hub then add one for subsequent Hubs.

Here's an example overriding the Service Level. Note that you can combine the Service Level override with the Route override or the Driver override.

        new SegmentOverrideInfo


                ServiceLevelTypeId = "SERVICELEVELID",


Where SERVICELEVELID = Service Level ID in quotes

Here's an example overriding the Route information. Note that you can combine the Service Level override with the Route Plan override. In this case, all 2 properties will be added within the curly brackets.

        new SegmentOverrideInfo


                RoutePlanId = 999,

                RouteName = "ROUTENAME"


Where 999 is the Route Plan Id which can be found on the URL when opening the Route Plan.

Where ROUTENAME is the name of the Route the orders should be assigned to. This name should not contain any spaces. The rules for the Route Name should be maintained here as well.

Here's an example overriding the Driver. Note that you can combine the Service Level override with the Route Plan override. In this case, all 2 properties will be added within the curly brackets.

        new SegmentOverrideInfo


               DriverId = "ROUTENAME"


Where DriverId is the Driver GUID which can be found when clicking on a Driver from the Driver list. It will be at the end of the URL and contains 36 characters.

3) Validate then save your script.



Three new fields are accessible to review the Dispatchers' decisions:

  • SuggestedDriverId vs DriverId selected on the Order when AutoDispatch Suggestion is activated
  • DispatchSource to indicate how the Driver was selected (Suggested, Manual, API)
  • DispatchedByUserId and DispatchedByUserEmail to indicate which Dispatcher dispatched the order


Integration API

Update an Extra Fee Quantity

Extra fee quantity can now be updated on an Order once it's been created as long as it is in the status which allows updated and for orders that are not System Defined or Scripted using PUT/api /v1 /orders /{orderId} /charges.




    "chargeId": "EXTRAFEEID",

    "quantity": 0



Find the Id of the Extra Fee by first getting the Order from the API using the GET/api /v1 /orders /{orderId}, find the list of Extra Fees under the Charges section. Each charge (or Extra Fee) will have an ID (see an example with IDs showing in red below):

"charges": [
"id": "6f516f31-b7bb-4416-b867-8a9923454434",
"type": "Extra",
"price": 10.50,
"quantity": 100,
"extraFeeTypeId": "TotalWeight"
"id": "91810cc6-036c-46da-8cd1-5ad3c2cca825",
"type": "Extra",
"price": 12,
"quantity": 6,
"extraFeeTypeId": "NumberOfPieces"

Tenant API

Update an Extra Fee

Extra Fees can now be updated using the PUT/api /v1 /orders /{orderId} /charges as long as the Order has not yet been invoiced and the Order is not a Scripted Extra Fee.




    "chargeId": "EXTRAFEEID",

    "quantity": 0,

    "unitPrice": 0,

    "totalPrice": 0



Find the Id of the Extra Fee by first getting the Order from the API using the GET/api /v1 /orders /{orderId}, find the list of Extra Fees under the Charges section. Each charge (or Extra Fee) will have an ID (see an example with IDs showing in red below):

      "charges": [
          "id": "6f516f31-b7bb-4416-b867-8a9923454434",
          "type": "Extra",
          "unitPrice": 28.91,
          "price": 0,
          "quantity": 0,
          "extraFeeTypeId": "TotalWeight"
          "id": "91810cc6-036c-46da-8cd1-5ad3c2cca825",
          "type": "Extra",
          "unitPrice": 0,
          "price": 0,
          "quantity": 0.25,
          "extraFeeTypeId": "NumberOfPieces"

Deleting an Extra Fee

Extra Fees can now be removed from an Order using the DELETE/api /v1 /orders /{orderId} /charges

as long as the Order has not yet been invoiced.

The Extra Fee IDs are found the same way as when Update Extra Fee (see above). 

Adding Hubs to an Order

When adding hubs to an Order through the Tenant API, a new option section is available to set the Service Level, the Route Plan and the Route. 

When specifying the Service Level, the Segments will use the Service Level and the Pickup and Delivery windows will be recalculated on the Segments. The Service Level will be set according to the these rules:

1) Service Level is valid for the Account and is not a Reattempt Service Level: Service Level will be assigned to the Segment.

2) Service Level is valid for the Account but it is a Reattempt Service Level: The Segment will use the same Service Level as the Multi-Segment and will disregard the specified Service Level.

3) Service Level is invalid: The Segment will use the same Service Level as the Multi-Segment Order and will disregard the specified Service Level.

When specifying Route Plan and/or Route, the segments will be placed in a Route on a Route Container according to these rules:

1) Specify both the Route Plan and the Route: Regardless of the Route Plan configuration, the Segment will be placed on the specified Route Plan in the Route.

2) Specify only the Route Plan: The Segment will be placed on the Route Plan according to the Route Plan Configuration.

3) Specify only the Route: The current Route Plans Configuration will be used to find the Route Plan for the Segment and the Segment will be added to the specified Route.

In the POST /api/v1/orders/{orderId}/add-hubs call, the new section is called segmentOverrideInfos. This section can contain one set of override per segment created:

    "segmentOverrideInfos": [
"serviceLevelTypeId": "string",
"routePlanId": 0,
"routeName": "string"

Each override will be enclosed in brackets {} 

Dispatch Science Option

Avoid Ferries

A new option is available to be set to avoid ferries when optimizing the Route of the Driver. This option will be set to True for everyone however, if you wish to turn off this option, please contact Support.

Avoid Tolls

A new option is available to be set to avoid tools when optimizing the Route of the Driver. This option is set to False for everyone however, if you wish to turn on this option, please contact Support.

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