New Features for Release 1.54

Modified on Fri, 3 Feb, 2023 at 3:49 PM

These features are now available in your Test and Pre-Production environments. They will be available on Production on the evening of February 13th. 

New Features in This Release

  • Pickup & Delivery Window Behavior Changes
  • Improved Behavior when Changing the Account on an Order
  • Navigation Improvements on Order Lists
  • Ability to Reassign & Modify Email Logins
  • Live Account Aging Summary in Finance Transactions
  • Enhanced Fuel Surcharge Management
  • Display Time & Date ofDriver's Last Delivery 
  • Enhancements for Master Account Users
  • Auto-Dispatch Enhancements
  • Expanded Exception Code Handling



The release notes refer to different sections of the application:

Back Office: Where Customer Service Representatives (CSR) create and edit orders, create accounts, review drivers, etc.

Dispatch Board: Where Dispatchers assign orders to drivers, get notifications for invalid orders, etc.

Auto-Dispatch: This section refers to the automated order assignment setup and its process.

Administration: This section is in the Back Office but refers to sections only an administrator will use like Settings and Pricing.

Customer Portal: Where account users log in to create orders, view their order history, enter a credit card, etc.

Tracking site: Where customers enter a tracking number like the order ID or a reference number to view the status of their order.

OData: Data fields and variables saved in OData

Account API: API provided to your accounts to create, update and get orders. For documentation, please follow this link:
Tenant API: API provided to you to create orders for your accounts, retrieve invoices and change invoice status. For documentation, please follow this link:  

Scripting: Custom script building abilities and functions within Dispatch Science

Back Office


Calculation of the Pickup and Delivery Windows

The Pickup and Delivery Windows will now show the Ready At in accordance to the Service Level but the "To" time in both Pickup and Delivery Windows will only be displayed and calculated once the Pickup and Delivery Addresses have been entered. 

Changing the Account on an Order

Previously when changing the Account on an Order to an Account where the Parcel Type Schedule is not the same, certain information on the parcel was lost.


If the Parcel Type not found in new Parcel Type Schedule,

-The Parcel with the lowest ranked or smallest ID in the new Parcel Type Schedule will be used. 

-The Quantity, Description, Barcode, Weight will be copied.

-If the new Parcel Type is customizable, the dimension will be copied otherwise it will use the dimension on the new Parcel Type. 

If the Parcel Type is found in new Parcel Type Schedule

The Quantity, Description, Barcode, Weight, Dimension will be copied.

In both cases:

User item fields will now be copied if they have the same ID, otherwise they will be removed.

Exception codes will now be copied if they exist in the new account, otherwise they will be removed.

This change applies to Order Templates as well as a change made through the API.

Date and Time Window Fields Allow Typing the Date

The date fields within the Order Creation screen have been updated to be more user friendly, specifically for users who want to type in their dates rather than select using the Date Picker.

1) Click in the Date Field for Ready At, Pickup Start or End, Delivery Start of End.

2) Start typing the month with the following:

- Enter the month starting with a 0, the field will wait for the second number.

- Enter the month starting with 1, it will change to a 01 unless adding 0, 1 or 2 and then it becomes 10, 11 or 12.

- Enter the month number directly as 2 or more, the month will automatically change to add the 0 in front and will move to the day. 

3) The day reacts similarly to the month:

-Enter a day starting with 0, the field will wait for the second number.

-Enter a days starting with 1, 2 or 3 is entered, it will automatically change to add a 0 in front but change to the correct day if the second digit is entered. 

-Enter a day starting with a number greater than 3, it will automatically change to add the 0 in front and move to the year.

Two Additional Columns in Order List

2 new columns were added to the Order List:

  • Recurrence Name
  • Template Name
  • These columns will show the Recurrence name and Order Template name if used to create the order. These columns can be sorted and filtered.
    They can be added using Settings () in the Order List then clicking Columns and checking the checkboxes for Template Name and Recurrence Name:

    Improved Order List Scroll Bars

    The horizontal and vertical scrollbars have moved from the browser window to the grid edges. This allows you to keep at all time visibility on the header and the paging of the grid.


    Driver Email Modification

    The Driver email can now be modified if internal user has the right to edit the Driver. 

    1) Open Drivers, click on the Driver to edit.

    2) In Driver Details, click on the Edit button in the top right:

    3)  In the Driver basic details, the email is now editable: 

    4) Type the new email and click on Save.

    The email must be unique.


    Account Admin/User Email Modification

    The Account admin/user email can now be modified if the internal user has the right to edit the Account User. 

    An Account admin/user email can only be modified while no orders have been created by that user or on their behalf, nor if that Account User is used on a template.

    1) Open Accounts, click on the account then click on Users button.

    2) In the list of Users, click on the user to update.

    3) In the User details, the email is now editable:

    4) Type the new email and click on Save.

    The email must be unique.

    If the user has no orders in his/her name, the email will be changed. 

    If the user has orders in his/her name or is associated to a template, an error message will be displayed and the email will not be modified:

    Move an Account Admin/User to Another Account

    An Account admin/user can now be moved to another Account as long as the Account admin/user has no Orders created under his/her name, has not been used as the User on an Order Template or in a Master Account.

    1) Open Accounts then click on the Account where the User is located.

    2) Click on Users button.

    3) Click on Move button:

    4) A dialog box will open to search for the destination Account:

    5) Start typing the Account name or number and select the Account within the list and click on Save.

    If the Account User can be moved, a message will briefly display at the top of the User list to indicate that the User was moved otherwise an error message will be displayed with the reason why the User cannot be moved.

    Holiday Calendar in Order Options of an Account Cannot be Empty

    The system will no longer allow an empty choice for the Holiday Calendar field within the Order Options section of an Account. If a default Calendar is set on the Company, the default Calendar will be used to fill in the Holiday Calendar when an Account is created. If no Company Calendar is selected, the default Calendar will be used when the Account is created. The Holiday calendar can be modified in the Account Order Options.

    A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

    Upon this update, the default Company Calendar, if setup, will be assigned to the Company Accounts otherwise, the default Calendar will be assigned to the Accounts.

    Transactions Aging Summary (Unpaid Invoices)

    A new Aging Summary view is available under Transactions (requires Finance Option). The Aging Summary will show the Accounts which have unpaid invoices, presented in aging buckets.

    The Current column will show the invoices total that are within the Net terms on the Account. 

    The other columns will show late invoices in buckets of 30 days starting after the Account Net terms.

    Unapplied credit notes will not be included in the Aging Summary.

    1) To view the Aging Summary, click on Accounts, Transactions then Aging Summary:

    Automatic Late Fee Addition for Late Invoices

    Dispatch Science now offers the ability to add late fees automatically when generating invoices in the event that an account has unpaid invoices past their term date (either manually created invoices or system generated invoices). This feature will only work for Accounts which have the option to apply Late Fees. 

    Late Fees can automatically be added to the generated invoice if one or more invoices from the same Account have passed the Net Terms setup for that Account.

    The Late Fees will then be added on the system-defined Late Fee Accounting Item. This Accounting Item will automatically be included as part of the Sales Account in the Accounting Profile, or this Account Item can have its own Account. 

    Late fee will be calculated for invoices that are generated as well as manual invoices. There is no late fee calculated for Debit notes.

    Accounting Item for Late Fees

    A system defined Account Item is available for Late Fees. This Accounting item will be part of the Sales account in the Accounting Profile unless specified.


    Setting Taxes and Name for Late Fee Account Item

    1) Click Settings, Configuration, Accounting, Accounting Items.
    A system-defined Accounting Item titled “LateFee” followed by the Setting icon is now available in the list 

    Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

    2) Click on the row to edit the Late Fee Accounting Item:

    3) You can change the Name, indicate a Tax Schedule and decide if this tax schedule can be edited. 

    4) Once you have made the desired changed, click on Save.

    The system-defined Late Fee Accounting Item cannot be deleted, its ID cannot be changed, and it is only available for Invoices. The Amount is locked since this will be calculated automatically.

    Setup Late Fee in Accounting Profile

    The new system defined Accounting Item has been added for the Late Fee. This can be setup in the Accounting Profile to specify the proper Account:

    1) Open Settings, Configurations, Accounting, Accounting Profiles.

    2) Open the Accounting Profile.

    3) Edit the Income Postings.

    4) Click on the Add an Accounting Item Sale Account  link to add a new line.

    5) Select Late Fee and enter the Account number then click on Save:

    Setup Late Fee on Account

    An Account can be setup to calculate a Late Fee on Invoices that are passed the specified Terms.

    1) Open Accounts, click on the Account to edit.

    2) Click Edit Button in Billing Options.

    3) Setup the Term:

    Terms are created in Settings> Configuration> Accounting. If you have not made any changes, a Term of 30 days was added as the default Terms in version 1.53. You can create additional Terms, making sure to correctly enter the number of days since this will be used to determine if an invoice is late. 
    For more information on how to setup Terms, please refer to the 1.53 Release notes.

    4) Enter a Day Buffer if you want to extend the Net term by a few days for mailing or other grace period purposes: 

    5) Click on the Apply Late Fee checkbox, this will automatically enable the Late Fee % per 30 days and enter the % charged for 30 days:

    6) Click on Save.

    Adding Late Fees to Invoices

    You can decide, when generating invoices, which Account(s) (that are already setup with Late Fee) and invoices will be used to calculate the Late Fee.

    1) Open Accounts then click on Transactions

    2) Click on Generate Invoices button.

    3) If one or more Accounts is setup with Late Fee and there are invoices that are past due (unpaid after net term days + buffer day), you will be asked if Late Fee should be applied:

    4) To apply a Late Fee, click on Yes otherwise click on Cancel and the invoices will be generated without any Late Fees. 

    On Yes, the list of Accounts and their invoices will display with the Late Fee calculated as follows for each past due Invoice: (Late Fee %) / (30 days) X (Current Document Day -  Invoice Document Day - Net Days) X Late Invoice Total

    5)By default, all invoices will be selected and the Late Fee amount will be automatically calculated on the unpaid portion of each invoice. Invoices can be unselected from the list and the Late Fee amount can be edited.

    Once the information is correct, click on Generate Invoices and the invoices with Late fee selected will have an additional entry for the Late Fees, the others will be generated as is. 

    The Late Fee will be added on the generated invoices that matched the selection. If more than one invoice is generated for the same Account, the Late Fee will be added to one Invoice only. 


    Fuel Surcharge Modification to Use Calculators

    Fuel Surcharge is now easier than ever to manage. Fuel surcharge can now also be calculated using a fuel surcharge table or using a formula. 

    The Fuel Surcharge menu has been divided into 3 sections:

    Previously, Fuel Surcharge tables were associated to one or more accounts and each table had a specific surcharge % or distance setup for each vehicle type. Previously when the fuel surcharge had to be updated, a new date was then entered, and the values specified for each vehicle in each fuel surcharge table had to also be changed according to the current fuel price and the fuel table in the customer contract.

    To make it easier to update changes in fuel surcharges, the contract fuel price table can now be stored in Dispatch Science.

    If you use a calculation based on the current price at the pump (Reference Fuel Price or RFP), the base rate fuel price calculated according to your cost of operation (BFP) and the average fuel consumption for the vehicle (Base Fuel Mileage or BFM), you will be able to setup this calculation and it will use the information stored for each of your vehicles as well as the base rate and current fuel surcharge for a given week.

    No modification is needed if keeping the previous Fuel Surcharge per Vehicle. These were transferred and will keep working as they did. 

    Setting up the Base Fuel Mileage on a Vehicle:

    1) Open Pricing then click on Vehicles.

    2) In the list of vehicle, click on the vehicle to update.

    3) Enter the Base Fuel Mileage and click Save. 

    The UOM has not been specified so you can enter this information according to how you will use this field in your calculation. 
    This could be miles per gallon, liters per kilometer, kilometers per liter, etc.. Keep in mind that there is no unit conversion and the calculation will need to be adapted to the unit of measure this entry is saved.

    Setup the Fuel Prices

    1) Open Pricing then click on Fuel Surcharges.

    2) Click on Fuel Prices then click on New Fuel Price:

    Enter the name of this new fuel price and click Save. 

    The fuel price will be updated by date from week to week or month to month depending how this is done for your customer:

    You can create as many Fuel prices as needed, be it by fuel type, regions, etc...

    3) A new entry dated today will be created with a 0 Base Fuel Price and Reference Fuel Price:

    This will be used starting today and for any undelivered older orders.

    4) Click on the Start Date to open the Fuel Price: 

    Enter the Base Fuel Price (calculated from your cost of operations that would result in 0 fuel surcharge, this is also called the threshold). 

    Enter the current or reference Fuel Price for the type of fuel or region for example, that will be used to calculate the fuel surcharge and click Save.

    The Start Date for the Initial Price is not updatable. When you edit and Add a new Price, you will be able to select the Start Date.  


    Setup the Fuel Surcharge Calculators

    The Fuel Surcharge Calculator can be either a formula or a sheet containing ranges of fuel prices and their corresponding price per mileage (when calculating fuel surcharge by distance) or fuel surcharge percentage.

    You can create as many Fuel Surcharge Calculators as needed.

    1) Open Pricing then click on Fuel Surcharges.

    2) Click on Fuel Surcharge Calculators then click on the New Calculator button:

    3) Enter the name for the Fuel Surcharge Calculator.

    4) Select the type of Calculation that will be used. 

    Once the Fuel Surcharge Calculator is saved, the type will no longer be editable. 

    Formula Calculator:

    When using a formula, the system user will be able to use the 3 parameters defined in the system:

    • Base Fuel Price (BFP) – Otherwise called a threshold price. The base rate fuel cost above which a surcharge is applied. This was setup in the Fuel Prices. 
    • Base Fuel Mileage (BFM) – The base mileage of a transportation truck. An average 18-wheeler’s mileage is approximately 6 miles per gallon, or 2.55086 km per liter. This was setup in the Vehicle details. 
    • Reference Fuel Price (RFP) – This is the current price at the pump. In the U.S., it could be the price reported by the Department of Energy. In Canada, it could be the national average price of diesel fuel as reported by the Freight Carriers Association of Canada. It could also simply be the price at a given gas station. The system user will use the value of their preference and this was setup in the Fuel Prices. 
  • You will also use the following operations:

    • Sum: +
    • Subtraction: -
    • Division: /
    • Multiplication : *
  • You can also use numbers and parenthesis in your formula.

    The formula will not use the mathematical order of operations but rather the position in the formula:
    1 + 2 / 3 * 4 will be calculated as 1 +2 first, then this result will will be divided by 3 and this result will be multiplied by 4.  
    To ensure your values are calculated as needed, be sure to use parentheses. The content of the parentheses will be calculated first then it will calculate from the left to the right:
    1 + (2/3) * 4 will be calculated as 1 + 0.6667 then this sum will be divided by 4.
    For more information about the formula, click on the Help located at the bottom right of the Formula box. Click again on Help to close the instructions.

    An example to calculate the fuel surcharge by mileage would use the following formula:

    (RFP - BFP) / BFM 

    Sheet Calculator:

    In the Sheet calculator, you will be able to import a table of rates and their corresponding mileage price or fuel surcharge %.

    1) Click on Download Template.

    2) Open the template and delete the information that are on rows 2 to 7.

    3) Enter the Reference Price table that has been agreed with your customers as per their contract in the form of 'from price' and 'to price' and decide if this will be entered as a distance fuel surcharge or a percentage fuel surcharge.


    4) For each row of reference prices from and to, enter the percentage as 5.25 (this represents 5.25% or 0.0525). This will use this percentage when the reference or current fuel price is between the RFP From and RFP To. 

    If instead, this table is for Distance Fuel Surcharge, enter the price per miles in the Rate column.

    Carefully name each of the Fuel Surcharge Calculators so you do not have to open them when you are setting up your Fuel Surcharge Tables.

    5) Save the file.

    6) Click on Choose File button and navigate to the location where the file was saved. Select the file and click Open or drag and drop the file in the File box. 

    7) Click on Save.

    The Formula and the Sheet can be updated once they have been saved. 

    Setting Up the Fuel Surcharge Tables

    There are 4 types of Fuel Surcharge Tables:

    • Fixed Percentage: This is the existing % that was used previously in Dispatch Science. If you do not wish to use the new Fuel Prices and Fuel Surcharge Calculators, you can continue using the Fixed Percentage. 
    • Fixed Price per Distance: This is the existing Fuel Surcharge by distance that was previously used in Dispatch Science. You can continue using this Fixed Price per Distance.
    • Calculated Percentage: This will use the Fuel Prices and the Fuel Surcharge Calculators. It is important for the formula result, if using, to be a percentage (ex 5.25 would result in a 5.25% fuel surcharge). If you are using a Sheet for the calculator, the rate should represent a percentage as well. 
    • Calculated Price per Distance: This will use the Fuel Prices and the Fuel Surcharge Calculators. It is important for the formula result to represent a price by distance. If you are using a Sheet for the calculator, the rate should represent the price by distance. 

  • To Setup:

    1) Click on Pricing then Fuel Surcharges. You will be on the Fuel Surcharge Tables.

    2) Click on New Surcharge:

    3) Enter the Name for this Fuel Surcharge Table.

    4) Select the Mode (see above)

    Once a mode is selected, it can no longer be modified after the Fuel Surcharge Table is saved.
    Individual vehicle can be modified.

    Fixed Percentage: 

    i) Enter the Default Surcharge % that will be used for all vehicle types and click on Save.

    The Fuel Surcharge list will show with today's date as the Base Surcharge. This means that any orders delivered before today will use the Base Surcharge to calculate the Fuel Surcharge.

    ii) Click on the date to open the table to view and edit the fuel percent by vehicle:

    iii) To override the 6%, click on Override and enter the new percentage for the vehicle

    The Mode can be changed for the vehicle types within the same Fuel surcharge table. One vehicle could use a Fixed percentage while another one could use a calculated percentage or fixed distance price. 

    iv) Click Save then the changes are completed.

    Fixed Price per Distance: 

    i) Enter the Default Surcharge $ per distance that will be used for all vehicle types and click on Save.

    ii) The Fuel Surcharge list will show with today's date as the Base Surcharge. This means that any orders delivered before today will use the Base Surcharge to calculate the Fuel Surcharge.

    When using a per distance mode, the fuel surcharge will only be calculated on the distance and will not be added or calculated on the extra fees.

    iii) Click the date to open the table:

    iv) To override the price by distance, click on Override and enter the new price per distance for the vehicle:

    The Mode can be changed for the vehicle types within the same Fuel surcharge table. One vehicle could use a Fixed price per distance while another one could use a calculated percentage or fixed distance price. 

    v) Click Save then the changes are completed.

    Calculated Percentage: 

    i) Select the Prices from the list of Fuel Prices and the Calculator from the Fuel Surcharge Calculator (formula or sheet):

     ii) The Fuel Surcharge list will show with today's date as the Base Surcharge. This means that any orders delivered before today will use the Base Surcharge to calculate the Fuel Surcharge.

    iii) Click the date to open the table:

    iv) To override the calculated percentage price or the prices/calculator, click on Override and select a different mode and/or a different set of Prices and Calculator:

    In this case, Bike has been setup as a fixed percentage of 0%, Bobtail remains with the Calculated Percentage with Diesel Price and calculator, Car has been changed to Montreal Gasoline Price and calculator. 

    v) Click Save then the changes are completed.

    D) Calculated Price per Distance:


    i) Select the Prices from the list of Fuel Prices and the Calculator from the Fuel Surcharge Calculator (formula or sheet):

    When using a per distance mode, the fuel surcharge will only be calculated on the distance and will not be added or calculated on the extra fees.

    ii) The Fuel Surcharge list will show with today's date as the Base Surcharge. This means that any orders delivered before today will use the Base Surcharge to calculate the Fuel Surcharge.

    iii) Click the date to open the table:

    iv) To override the calculated price by distance or the prices/calculator, click on Override and select a different mode and/or a different set of Prices and Calculator.

    v) Click Save then the changes are completed.

    Update the Calculated Fuel Surcharges with a New Fuel Price

    To use a new Fuel Price on the Calculated Fuel Surcharges, open the Fuel Prices and add a Price. The Fuel Calculation will automatically use this new price to calculate the fuel surcharge.

    1) Click on Pricing then click on Fuel Surcharges.

    2) Click on Fuel Prices

    3) In the List of Fuel Prices, click on the Fuel Price to update and click Add Price:

    4) Select the start date (it will default to today but can be modified). The date cannot be the same as a date already in the List of Prices for this Fuel Price.

    5) The Base Fuel Price and Reference Fuel Price will be copied from the previous entry. Update the values and click on Save. 

    Update the Fuel Surcharge Table when Using Fixed Price per Distance or Fixed Percentage

    1) Click on Pricing then click on Fuel Surcharges.

    2) Click on Fuel Surcharge Tables then click on the Fuel Surcharge Table to update.

    If you update the Default Surcharge, this will update all entries in all fuel surcharge tables regardless of the dates if they have no override and you will lose the previous default surcharge.

    3) Click on Add Surcharge to create a new date.

    4) Open the previous date and click the override checkbox for each vehicle and click Save.

    This will allow you to keep the values set in the default before changing the default for the next date.

    5) Update the Default Surcharge and click Save.

    6) Open the Fuel Surcharge Table, open the new date and modify manually the entries that were set as override with the new percent/distance price.

    Dispatch Board

    Display Driver's Last Delivery Time and Date

    To assist with dispatching, it is useful to see how long a driver has been waiting since delivering his/her last order.

    The Last Delivery displays the date and time of the last delivery made either by the Driver or by the Dispatcher in the current user's time zone.

    The Last Delivery is available on the Driver’s Summary tab in the Driver Details:

    It is also available as a column in the Horizontal and Vertical Grid's Driver Section when viewing the Drivers without Orders, the Vertical Grid with Map and the Driver Grid.

    The information is also available on the Driver row in the Horizontal and Vertical Grid's Driver Section when showing Orders and using the Experimental view:

    The information is also available when clicking on the Driver in the Map on the Dispatch Board, the Grid Board Map and the Driver Map:


    Master Account Admin/User Order List Visibility and Order Creation

    Previously, Master Account admin/user could only view the Orders from the currently logged-in Account. A Master Account admin/user can now have access to more than one Account's Orders. 

    A Master Account admin/user is now able to view Orders from his/her Accounts on the Order list at the same time, create new Orders or from Order Templates across his/her Accounts regardless of the Sub-account that was used at login.  


    This prevents the Master Account users from having to navigate from one Sub-account to another to find specific Orders they are looking for, providing a broader, clearer view and a smoother and more efficient navigation. 

    Master Account Admin Dashboard and Order List

    The Master Account Admin Dashboard will be displaying the Orders and Dashboard metrics from the currently logged-in Account. 

    The Order list will show all Orders that the Account admin/user has access to across all Sub-accounts regardless of the Sub-account that was used at login.

    A new Account column is available on the Order list. This column will show the Account's Description, as specified in the Master Account, allowing the user to filter the list:

    Opening an order will automatically log the user to that Account.

    When user returns to the Order list after creating the Order, the user will still be logged in to that specific account however, the user will still see all Orders from all his/her Accounts.

    Create New Orders or Use an Order Template for the Current Logged-in Account

    Create an Order from the Dashboard for Admin users.

    1) On the Dashboard, click the New Order button or the sub-menu item "New Order From Template" to create an order from the currently logged in Account:

    Create an Order from the Order List:

    1) Click the Orders icon on left hand side menu to view the list of Orders.

    2) On the Order List, click the New Order button or the sub-menu item New Order From Template to create an order from the currently logged in Account:

    Create New Orders or Use an Order Template for Any Account:

    1) Click on the Create Order icon () located in the top right of any screens:

    The first 15 Sub-accounts will show in the list. The list is divided into 2 sections: "Create Order" and "Create Order from Template"

    Create a new Order:

    1) Click on the specific account below the heading Create Order for.

    The admin/user will automatically be logged in to the specific account and a new Order will be displayed.

    Create an Order from Template:

    1) Click on the specific account below heading Create Order from Template for.

    The admin/user will automatically be logged in to the Sub-account and the Create Order will be displayed with a popup showing the list of Templates.

    2) Click on the Template name or perform a search for a template.

    The Order screen will refresh to show the Order.

    If the Account admin/user is associated to more than 15 accounts, only the first 15 will be displayed. To create an order from a an account that is not displayed, click on the User profile icon (). Click on More Accounts... located below the list of accounts and it will bring you back to the login with the list of all accounts where you can select the account for the new Order.


    Schedule Based Drivers Eligible for Auto-Dispatch

    In previous releases, only Drivers in Optimization mode for Shortest Time were eligible to receive orders from the Auto-Dispatch. 

    Now, Drivers in the Schedule Based Optimization mode will also be able to receive orders. Orders will be assigned or suggested depending on the Auto-Dispatch mode. New orders can then be added between a Driver's schedule-based orders. 

    Dismissed by Driver or Unassigned by Dispatcher Orders

    In previous versions, when Orders were either dismissed by a driver or unassigned by a dispatcher, the Orders would no longer be part of the Order pool that could be Auto-dispatched or suggested by the Assisted Auto-dispatch, thus requiring a manual intervention from the Dispatcher to dispatch those Orders manually.

    These dismissed/unassigned Orders will now be available for Auto-dispatching. However, since they were dismissed by the Driver or unassigned from them, an exception will be added to those Orders to ensure that they are not Auto-dispatched or suggested by the Assisted Auto-dispatch to that same Driver.

    Turn On and Off Auto-Dispatching for Specific Drivers

    Drivers can now be removed from the Auto-dispatch or the Assisted Auto-dispatch by updating the Auto-Dispatch field in the Driver's Driver Options section. 

    All drivers including archived drivers, will be set as Included in the Auto-dispatch/Suggested Auto-dispatch to keep the current functionality.

    To turn On or Off Auto-Dispatch/Suggested Auto-Dispatch for a Driver:

    1) Open Drivers then click on the Driver to modify.

    2) Click on Edit in the Driver options section.

    3) Click in the Auto-Dispatch field and select Excluded to exclude the driver and Included to include the driver:

    4) Click Save.

    Driver must nevertheless be setup with the Auto-dispatch zones, be online and On duty in order to receive orders even if he is included in the Auto-Dispatch.

    Grid Board Driver Details

    The Auto-dispatch status was added to the Driver details to indicate if the Driver is excluded from the Auto-dispatch/Suggested Auto-dispatch:




    Notification Email Sent On Address Contact Import Shows Errors

    The notification email that is sent when contacts are imported will now import the contacts that can be geolocated with no error and will show the errors on the ones that could not be imported.  You can then correct the invalid contacts, remove the contacts that were imported correctly and reimport your contact list.


    Internal User Email Modification

    The internal user email can now be modified if the user doing the modification has the right to Settings - Tenant Users.

    1) Open Settings, click on System.

    The list of Users will show.

    2) Click on the User to edit.

    3) In the User details, the email is now editable:

    4) Change the email and click Save.

    The email must be unique.


    Company User Interface Change

    The Company Details Screen was modified to clearly display the Company information versus the Company Default settings.  


    As per the tooltip in the Company Defaults: Company defaults are used at Account Creation and can be updated in the Account once created. Transaction will always use the Accounting Profile from Company.

    Exception Codes User Interface Change

    With this release, columns for the Code, Name, Description, Exception Code Type and Damaged Exception Code information are now included, for easier and clearer adding of information to the Exception Code Schedules.


    Tenant API


    It is now possible to subscribe to one or more events for all Accounts of a company instead of one account at a time. 

    POST /api/v1/subscriptions
    For one Account at a time:


      "EntityType": "Account",

      "EntityId": "the_account_id",

      "Url": "",

      "EventTypes": [




    For all Accounts in a company:


      "EntityType": "Company",

      "EntityId": "the_companyid_id",

      "Url": "",

      "EventTypes": [




    Possible event types for orders subscriptions are:















    Possible event types for invoice subscriptions are:



    Possible event types for route plan subscriptions are:










    Order Update Script Supports Account Change on Order

    On Order Account modification, the scripts from the original Account were running once the Order was modified rather than the scripts from the target Account. This release will have the target Account scripts run once the Order is updated with all the new information from the new Account.

    Add Row and Column Number when Retrieving Excel File Data in Scripts

    When importing an Excel File for an Extra Fee Script, the row and column number will be saved for each cell, for instance Row number 1= 1, Column number A = 1.

    The Row and Column are still available however you can now use RowNumber and ColumnNumber.

    Note that for existing Extra Fee Scripts, the Row and Column numbers will be null so it is important to not assume that there will be a value returned so you could use, for example: 
    items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RowNumber == 1 && x.ColumnNumber == 5)

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