These features will be available in your Test environment on June 27 and will be available in Pre-production on June 29.


Tenant Integration API Order Template:
The following obsolete properties are removed in this version as announced in the release notes for version 1.47 and should be changed if used with the new properties that were added:

PickupDayOffset - to be changed to: PickupFromDayOffset and PickupToDayOffset

DeliveryDayOffset - to be changed to: DeliveryFromDayOffset and DeliveryToDayOffset

The following obsolete properties are removed in this version as announced in the release notes for version 1.47 and should be changed if used with the new properties that were added:

nameEn - to be changed to: NamePrimary

nameFR - to be changed to: SecondaryName

New features included in this release

  • Back Office Enhancements:
    • Filtering on Recurrences
  • Dispatch Board Enhancements: 
    • Route 
      • Setup to display address or Company name/Contact name on the Route stop tiles.
  • Administration Enhancements:
    • 2 new rights have been added to the Roles; one to access ODATA and the other to access the new Audit feature.
    • Audit feature allows an authorized user to see information about the different actions or changes taken in Dispatch Science by a user over a specified time or for a specific entity. 
    • Bulk Edit Contacts of a same account enhancements.
  • New tables and columns in existing tables in OData 
  • API enhancements

Other new features

  • Picked-up orders will remain picked-up when reassigned from one driver to another or when order is transferred by a driver to another driver even after driver accepts the order. 
  • Account number column was added in the Addresses grid under Settings, System, Addresses.
  • Improved address suggestions.
  • Holidays, under Settings, Configurations, System has been removed and Calendars will be used moving forward. Please review Version 1.47 release notes for more information about the Calendars.
  • Order's Account Number is now a link to open the Account details page. 
  • Addresses on next segment will be automatically updated on Order Templates when previous segment address is updated.

Driver App features

  • Last optional step of a workflow will now show Report instead of Skip.
  • In Warehouse Checkpoint and My Run Checkpoint, when an external scanner is linked, the Checkpoint ID barcode can be scanned to select the checkpoint.
  • The year will be shown in Driver Settlements if the year is not the current year. 
  • On iPhone, scan documents in Settings.


The release notes refer to different sections of the application:

Back Office: Where Customer Service Representatives (CSR) create and edit orders, create accounts, review drivers, etc.

Dispatch Board: Where Dispatchers assign orders to drivers, get notifications for invalid orders, etc.

Auto-Dispatch: This section refers to the automated order assignment setup and its process.

Administration: This section is in the Back Office but refers to sections only an administrator will use like Settings and Pricing.

Customer Portal: Where account users log in to create orders, view their order history, enter a credit card, etc.

Tracking site: Where customers enter a tracking number like the order ID or a reference number to view the status of their order.

OData: Data fields and variables saved in OData

Account API: API provided to your accounts to create, update and get orders. For documentation, please follow this link:
Tenant API: API provided to you to create orders for your accounts, retrieve invoices and change invoice status. For documentation, please follow this link:  

Driver App Version 1.48


Last Worflow Step

When the last workflow step is set to optional, driver was previously able to skip but did not know it was the last step. This behavior has changed and now if the last workflow step is optional, the Skip will be changed to show Report. 

Scan a Checkpoint

When using an external scanner or a keyboard scanner with the Driver App, driver can now scan a barcode containing the checkpoint Id., rather than have to search for the checkpoint form a list, making the process much faster.  

1) Open My Run or Warehouse on the Driver App

2) Tap on the + then Checkpoint if in Warehouse or Checkpoint flag in My Run

3) Scan the Checkpoint barcode with the external scanner or the keyboard scanner.

If the checkpoint is found in the list, the list will close and Checkpoint scan will open.

If the checkpoint is not found in the list, a validation message will be displayed to indicate it has not been found and the driver will be able to manually select a checkpoint in the list.

Settlement Date

In the list of settlements, the year will show as part of the date when it is not the current year.

Scan a Document for Documents and Certifications on the iPhone

Under Settings, documents can be scanned using a new Scan feature for Documents and Certifications.

1) Open Settings.

2) Scroll to a document or certification.

3) Tap to open then tap on the camera and select Scan Documents

4) Position the document in the window 

5) A blue rectangle will go over the document to indicate how it will be cropped and the picture will be taken.

6) The picture will be taken automatically and appear in the lower left corner.

7) You can review the scan by tapping on the picture and decide if you need to crop, change coloring, rotate or discard the scan. Once completed you can either retake or tap on Done to keep it.

It is now ready for another page in the same PDF file, just repeat the above steps. 

8) Once done, click on Save.

You have the options to use the flash, set the color or set to Manual. 

When setting to Manual, you will take the picture and crop as needed.

Back Office



The Recurrences' filter was changed to allow filtering not only on the exclusions and inclusions but also on the recurring date. 

Filter on Recurring Date

1. Open Orders and click on Recurrences.

2. Click on Dates and select to search on the Recurrence date. Note that the Inclusion and Exclusion filter is still available.

3. In the calendar field, select the date to search on

Checking the Apply Inclusions/Exclusions checkbox, will search through the list of included dates and calendar dates and exclude the recurrences that would not run due to excluded dates and calendar dates. 

4. Click on Update to filter the list of Recurrences.

Dispatch Board


A new setting is available on the Route to show either the stop address or the stop Company Name and Contact Name.

Changing the setting on one Route container will change it on all Route containers. 

Show Company and Contact vs Address

1) Open Dispatch Board then click on Routes

2) Open a Route container and click on the Setting iconlocated on the right hand side menu:

3) In the dialog box, uncheck the checkbox to show the stop Company Name/Contact Name and check the checkbox to show the stop address:

All the stops will now display as per the setting:

If a stop is a grouped stop, the stop will show the name as multiple. To see the individual stop company names and contacts, open the stop menu



2 new rights were added to the Roles under Settings, Configurations, System, Roles:

ODATA: This gives the users access to ODATA. This right was set to enable in the Admin roles

Audit: This gives access to the users to the new Audit feature located under Settings, System, Audit. For more information on this feature see Audit feature below.


The Audit feature will allow a user to review the different actions taken by a specific user over a time period or by specific entities within Dispatch Science. 

Review a User's Actions

1) Open Settings, System and Audit.

2) Enter the User Id and click Search.

For internal users, user Id can be found on the URL when opening an internal user from Settings, System, Users then clicking on the user. The User Id will be the last portion of the URL after the last /.
For Account users, user Id can be found on the URL when opening the Account user from Accounts, Users then clicking on the user. The User Id will be the last portion of the URL after the last /.

3) The list of actions can be filtered by a specific time span by entering a from and to date

4) By opening the to the left of the entry, you can see additional details on the action.

Review an Entity's Actions

1) Open Settings, System and Audit then click on Search By Entity.

2) In the Entity Type, select a type (Accounts or Order Templates).

To search for all entities of the selected type, ensure the Search All Entities checkbox is checked before you click on Search. 

To search for an entity in particular, uncheck the Search All Entities checkbox and depending on the selection in the Entity Type, you will be able to enter the Account Id or the Order Template Id.

Account Id can be found in the list of Accounts under the Id column.
The Order Template Id can be found on the URL when opening an Order Template from Orders, Recurring Orders, Manage Order Templates and clicking on the Order Template. The Order Template Id will be found at the end of the URL after the templateId=

3) The list can be filtered over a period of time, see above.


The Bulk Edit of Contacts has been modified to allow clearing values, keeping existing values or editing the values of the selected contacts. Clearing values is only available for fields that are not required. For more information please see Bulk Edit Addresses.

That same drop-down will also give you access to the values stored in the selected contacts.

By default, the behavior will stay the same where values that are not edited will remain the same in the selected contacts. 

Note: You can still enter a value in the fields and click on Save, that value will be applied to all selected contacts.

Clearing the Values in an Optional Field

1) In Settings, System, Addresses, perform a search on contacts and select one or more contacts of the same Account.

2) Click on Bulk Edit Contacts

3) In the field dialog box, select Clear Values to clear the field for all selected contacts:

4) The clearing of data will show in red in the field:

5) Click on Save to make the changes to the selected contacts.

Selecting an Existing Value in a Field

1) In Settings, System, Addresses, perform a search on contacts and select one or more contacts of the same Account.

2) Click on Bulk Edit Contacts

3) In the field dialog box, select the value that should be used on all selected contacts:

4) The selected value will show in the field:

5) Click on Save to apply the changes to the selected contacts.


New Calendars Table

Table Name: Calendars


Id: numeric

Name: alphanumeric

IsDefault: true or false

ParentCalendarId: null if no parent calendar, numeric if a parent calendar is associated to the calendar


New Calendar Dates Table

Name: CalendarDates


Id: numeric

CalendarId: numeric

Name: Alphanumeric

Date: "yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00Z"

ExcludedCalendarDateId: null or numeric

Accounts Table:

Addition of the calendar associated to the account:


HolidayCalendarId: numeric

Orders Table:

New OrderType field to use in conjunction with PrecededBy field which contains the previous order number.

Type 1: Standard order

Type 2: Return order, to know the parent order, please refer to the PrecededBy column.

Type 3: Continuation order, to know the preceding order, please refer to the PrecededBy column.

PickupDuration contains the Load time of an order

DeliveryDuration contains the Unload time of an order. 


Integration Tenants


Description automatically generatedCreate an order from a template

A new API call is available to create an order from an order template:

POST /api/v1/orders/from-template

Parameters: OrderTemplateId

The Order Template Id can be found when opening an Order Template on the URL. It is located after the ?templateId=


Order Update

A new order property was exposed for the Order Update script:


This property will give you access to all zones associated to the order. 


ZoneId { get; set;}

OrderZoneTypes {get; set;} 

StopKind {get: set;}

OrderZoneTypes information:

None = 0

Address = 1

AutoDispatch = 2

DriverPosition = 4

Filtering = 8

Taxes = 16

Script = 32

Other = 64