Orders stops are grouped by Accounts. If you have multiple orders from different accounts at the same location, the orders will be grouped for each account independently.

Troubleshooting the stop grouping

1) Verify that the Orders' Account use the same Order Profile. 

2) Verify in the Order Profile if you are grouping on Address Line 1 or Address Line 1 and 2. If you are grouping on Address Line 1 and 2, verify that Address Line 2 is entered correctly.

3) Verify in the Order Profile, if the Orders are from 2 Accounts that the Allow to group orders from different accounts checkbox is checked for the stop type.

4) Verify if ID verification and/or a COD is requested on the order. If at least one of the option is set in the pickup or the delivery workflow, the delivery stops will not be grouped as they need to be done individually.

5) Verify if one or more of the reference fields are setup to be updatable by the driver and if they are, are they setup as required for pickup/delivery/or both. If this is the case, the stops at pickup/delivery will not be grouped.

6) Verify that workflow is the same. If the workflow is different, the stops will not be grouped.