New Features for Release 1.68

Modified on Thu, 17 Oct at 1:19 PM

These features are available on your Test site as of the evening of October 15th and on your Production site on the evening of October 22nd.

New Features in This Release

  • Checkpoint scanning speed improvement
  • User Interface improvements
  • Additional columns in Orders List
  • Workflow improvements
  • Additional data types on user defined fields
  • New actions on Routes in Containers
  • Enhanced logging for Developer Toolkit 
  • API enhancements



The release notes refer to different sections of the application:

Back Office: Where Customer Service Representatives (CSR) create and edit orders, create accounts, review drivers, etc.

Dispatch Board: Where Dispatchers assign orders to drivers, get notifications for invalid orders, etc.

Auto-Dispatch: This section refers to the automated order assignment setup and its process.

Administration: This section is in the Back Office but refers to sections only an administrator will use like Settings and Pricing.

Customer Portal: Where account users log in to create orders, view their order history, enter a credit card, etc.

Tracking site: Where customers enter a tracking number like the order ID or a reference number to view the status of their order.

OData: Data fields and variables saved in OData

Account API: API provided to your accounts to create, update and get orders. For documentation, please follow this link:
Tenant API: API provided to you to create orders for your accounts, retrieve invoices and change invoice status. For documentation, please follow this link:  

Scripting: Custom script building abilities and functions within Dispatch Science


Driver App Version 1.68

Improved Error Messages and Easily Send Logs

When getting errors, an improved error message will be displayed in the red message bar and a button will be available on that error bar to send the log.

Checkpoint Speed Improvement

  1. When configured, checkpoints can now mask the Route information of the scanned parcel to increase scanning speed.
    When accordingly set in Dispatch Science, the information about the route which is usually shown at the bottom of the screen above the Complete will no longer we displayed:
  2. A 1.5 second delay was already added between scans using the camera to ensure the same barcode is not scanned twice however, if a new barcode is scanned within the 1.5 second, it will be scanned. The 1.5 second is only used when scanning the same barcode more than once.

List of Unsuccessful Scans in Continuous Scan Mode

When a checkpoint is set as continuous scan, the list of unsuccessful scans now appears at the bottom of the list when opening Items. This icon will now reset each time you open Items to ensure that once it has been reviewed, you will only need to review it again once the warning icon reappears.

1) Tap on See Items while scanning at Checkpoint in a checkpoint set as continuous scan when you see the  that indicates there are unsuccessful scans:

2) Verify the list of failed barcodes then tap Cancel or Ok:

3) On returning to the scan, notice the fail icon  is no longer visible:

User Interface

The tab icons were modified to better identify the opened tabs in Dispatch Science:

The icon that was used on the Back Office, Grid Board, Self-serve portal, customertracking page will now show as .

The icon that was used on the Dispatch Board will now show as .



Order List Columns

New columns were added under Orders:

  1. Attributes : The new columns will show the attributes assigned to Orders and allow to filter attributes found in the list of Orders.
  2. Order Pickup Notes: Note in the Pickup address section. This column can be filtered.
  3. Order Delivery Notes: Note in the Delivery address section. This column can be filtered.
  4. Customer Notes: Notes found in the Notes section below the pricing items. This column can be filtered.

Add additional Columns to Orders

1) Open Orders left hand side menu (). This will bring you directly in the Order List:

2) Click on the Setting button () then hover on Columns and scroll down to the bottom of the list to find Attributes, Pickup Notes, Delivery Notes and Customer Notes. Click the checkboxes beside the columns to add to your Order list:

The columns will be added to the end of the currently selected columns. You can then move the columns in the grid by holding a column and dragging it to the correct position.

Filter Attributes on Orders

1) Click on the filter icon () in the Attributes column and select one or more Attributes from the list.

The list of Attributes displayed in the filter will be the attributes on Orders in the Orders List only. 

2) Click on Filter.

Filter Notes on Orders

1) Click on the filter icon () in a Notes column.

2) Select the operator from the list:

4) Enter the text you are looking for then click on Filter.

Order Details

Cash on Pickup, Delivery and ID Verification Visibility on Order Details

The COP, COD and ID verification information that are available on the Order list are also visible in the Pickup and Delivery Address when the workflow steps are selected:

 and selected in the Order's Additional Information tab:

On the Order Details, under the Pickup and Delivery section, the ID that was verified as well as the COP/COD collected show in the section:

When partial payment is collected, the amount collected, if partial and the total amount are displayed:

Orders on Account with New Extra Fee Schedule 

If the Extra Fee Schedule used on an Account is changed, any Extra Fees on open Orders that are no longer on the new Extra Fee Schedule will be locked and no longer editable, though they can be deleted.

Extra Fees. 

The user defined Extra Fees that are set as required can be added manually by clicking on the Add Pricing button on the Order and selecting the Extra Fees from the list. 

For system defined Extra Fees like Number of Items or Weight, modifying the parcel section by adding information in the description field then saving, will add the system defined Extra Fees and they will be calculated automatically using the new Extra Fee Schedule pricing.



While generating invoices through the Generate Invoice in Transactions, user will be able to navigate to the Account by clicking on the Account number or Account Name and will be able to navigate to the Order in the Group Value when invoices are split by Orders. 

Order Profile

Setup User Fields with Format

User and Item User fields can be setup as text, drop-down, whole number or decimal. In previous releases, the fields could be setup as text, drop-down or accepted values. 

The accepted values can still be setup when using text, whole number or decimal by entering value in the list of accepted values.

With the new release, any Item User fields and User fields that were setup as text will have their list of accepted values blanked out to keep the previous version behavior.

Dispatch Board


New Menu Items Available

You can now move Orders to a specific route with Move to Route, set all Orders as picked up, delivered or at checkpoint as well as cancel all orders. 

From the grouped Orders, you can View the Orders in the group, Move the Orders in the group to a specific Route with the Move to Route, Move the Orders in the group to the next route or convert them to On-demand. You can also set the Orders in the group as picked up, delivered or at checkpoint or cancel these orders. 

Clicking on the View Orders from the grouped Orders menu will show the list of Orders in the group:

When clicking on the menu for each Order, you can also Move the Order to a specific Route with the Move to Route.

Scrolling down in the menu, you will also be able to set the Order as picked up, delivered or at checkpoint as well as add attributes and cancel the Order.

Same Driver in a Container Constraint is Removed

The constraint whereby the same Driver could not be dispatched more than one Route in a container has been removed. A warning will now indicate the Routes that the same driver has been dispatched for the same container:

Clicking on Yes, will allow the dispatching of the Routes to the same Driver. 

Auto-Dispatch Suggestion On Driver in Map

When using Auto-Dispatch with Suggestions on the Grid Board with a map,  you can now see, on the map, that the Driver has suggestions. A green dot will be shown on the Driver avatar:

By clicking on the Driver, the sliding Driver side panel opens on the Grid Board. You can then select to view the Auto Dispatch Suggestions and see the suggestions and the route of the Driver, including suggestions on the map:

You can toggle between viewing the route with or without the suggestions by checking/unchecking the Auto Dispatch Suggestions.



Found under Settings>Checkpoints

Hiding Route Information on Scanning at Checkpoint

Route Information can be hidden when scanning parcels at Checkpoints to speed up the scanning.

1) Open Settings, Checkpoints, click on a Checkpoint to edit it and uncheck the Show Route Information option.

Checkpoint with Show Route Information unchecked after scanning:

All Checkpoints will have the Show Route Information as checked once the release is available on Production. This option can then be changed on each Checkpoint.

Driver User Fields

Found under Settings>Configuration>Driver>Fields

Visibility For Internal Users

Driver User Fields were updatable when internal users had edit access to Driver Additional Info. In some cases, you may want to give edit access to certain user fields but set others as read-only or hidden if, for example, the fields are used in an integration. 

A new Visibility for Internal Users field is available on the Driver user fields so a field can be setup as updatable, read only or hidden. 

As a default, all existing Driver user fields will be setup as Updatable in version 1.68 to keep the current functionality.

Change the Visibility on a Driver User Field

1) Open Settings, Configurations, Driver, Fields and click on a field from the list.

2) In the Visibility for Internal Users, select from a choice of Updatable, Read Only or Hidden. 

If the field type is other than Text, changing the visibility to Read Only or Hidden will automatically update the Field Type to Text and the Field Type will be locked.

3) Click Save.

Account User Fields

Found under Settings>Configuration>Account>Fields

Visibility For Internal Users

Account User Fields were updatable when internal users had edit access to Account Additional Info. In some cases, you may want to give edit access to certain user fields but set others as read-only or hidden if, for example, the fields are used in an integration

A new Visibility for Internal Users field is available on the Account user fields so a field can be setup as updatable, read only or hidden. 

As a default, all existing Account user fields will be setup as Updatable in version 1.68 to keep the current functionality.

Change the Visibility on an Account User Field

1) Open Settings, Configurations, Accounts, Fields and click on a field from the list.

2) In the Visibility for Internal Users, select from a choice of Updatable, Read Only or Hidden. 

If the field type is other than Text, changing the visibility to Read Only or Hidden will automatically update the Field Type to Text and the Field Type will be locked.

3) Click Save.


Found under Settings>Configuration>Account>Fields

A new Debug Mode option is available in scripts and can be turned on while scripts are being tested. Checking this option will attach a JSON containing the data the script is using for Order Update scripts and will also add the log. For Order Rule and Extra Fee type scripts, the log will be attached. This option stays on for 24 hours and it then automatically turns off. 

There won't be any more entries in the logs for scripts that run successfully even if the logger.LogInformation or Logger.LogError are added to the script. 

Turn On Debug Mode and Verify Script Log

1) Open the script and check the Debug Mode option:

2) Click on Save.

This option will stay checked for 24 hours unless it is unchecked manually and saved. 

3) When the script runs on an Order, an entry will be added in the Application Logs (found under Settings>Systems>Application Logs).

4) This entry can be found in the filters:
Depending if the script is an Order update or an Extra fee script, check the correct option:

Then make sure to show Information, Warning and Error:

 5) You can then use the Search bar and Search by the OrderId and or the ScriptId:

6) From the Attachment column, you will be able to download the log and the JSON file that contains all the information from the Order:

Tenant API

POST/api /v1 /orders

Some fields are now set with a maximum length and if exceeded Order will not be created to prevent issues when editing the Order in Dispatch Science.


  • For both PickupAddress section and DeliveryAddress section:

    • addressLine1: maximum 256 characters

    • addressLine2:  maximum 256 characters

    • city: maximum 256 characters

    • postalCode: maximum 256 characters

    • stateProvince: maximum 256 characters

  • For both PickupContactInfo section and DeliveryContactInfo section:

    • name: maximum 100 characters

    • phoneNumber: maximum 30 characters

    • email: maximum 80 characters

    • language: maximum 2 characters

PATCH/api /v1 /orders /{orderId}

Some fields are now set with a maximum length when updating an Order. Update will not be done if fields exceed the maximum number of character to prevent issues when editing the Order in Dispatch Science.


  • For both PickupAddress section and DeliveryAddress section:

    • addressLine1: maximum 256 characters

    • addressLine2:  maximum 256 characters

    • city: maximum 256 characters

    • postalCode: maximum 256 characters

    • stateProvince: maximum 256 characters

  • For both PickupContactInfo section and DeliveryContactInfo section:

    • name: maximum 100 characters

    • phoneNumber: maximum 30 characters

    • email: maximum 80 characters

    • language: maximum 2 characters


GET/api /v1 /accounts /{accountId} /additional-information

You can now get the data contained in the Account's Additional Information section through the API (these are the Account's user fields). 

Provide the Account Id and it will return the list of user fields and their contents:



    "id": "AccountType",

    "labelPrimary": "Account Type",

    "labelSecondary": null,

    "inputFieldType": 4,

    "value": "Platinum",

    "acceptedValues": [








    "id": "AdditionalInfo",

    "labelPrimary": "Additional Info",

    "labelSecondary": "Info Additionel",

    "inputFieldType": 0,

    "value": null





You can update the Additional Information user fields by providing the Account Id and the user field Id along with the value in the Body:


  "value": "value"




This will also return the Driver status and the Driver display name :

"driverStatus": driverstatus

where driverstatus:

0: On duty

1: Away

2: Off duty

3: Going off duty

"displayName": "DriverLastName, DriverFirstName (DriverNumber)"


This will also return the Driver status and the Driver display name :

"driverStatus": driverstatus

where driverstatus is

0: On duty

1: Away

2: Off duty

3: Going off duty

"displayName": "DriverLastName, DriverFirstName (DriverNumber)"


A new endpoint has been added in the Driver section to set the status of a Driver with an optional expiration time:

Enter the Driver Id

Status is set as follow:


  "driverStatus": status,

  "expirationTime": "Date-Time"


where status:

0: On duty

1: Away

2: Off duty

3: Going off duty

where Date-Time:


where TIMEZONE is either Z for UTC or using the time zone with a + or - and the number of hours hh:mm

Example: "2024-19-01T14:30Z" or "2024-19-01T10:30-04:00"

Date-Time cannot be set in the past.
You cannot set a Driver that is off duty to a status of away. 


A new endpoint has been added in the Driver section to set the Driver position and speed:

Enter the Driver Id

Body as follow to enter speed and geolocation:


  "speed": 0,

  "latitude": 0,

  "longitude": 0


Speed is a positive number.
Latitude and longitude must be valid entries:
-90 to 90 for latitude
-180 to 180 for longitude


This new endpoint allows deleting permanently cancelled Orders of type Standard. Trying to delete Orders that are not cancelled or are of type Multi-segment or Segment will automatically skip those Orders and they will not be deleted, no error message will be returned. 

The Orders that are deleted through this endpoint will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.



  "orderIds": [




Integration API

POST/api /v1 /orders

Some fields are now set with a maximum length and if exceeded Order will not be created to prevent issues when editing the Order in Dispatch Science.


  • For both PickupAddress section and DropoffAddress section:

    • addressLine1: maximum 256 characters

    • addressLine2:  maximum 256 characters

    • city: maximum 256 characters

    • postalCode: maximum 256 characters

    • stateProvince: maximum 256 characters

  • For both PickupContactInfo section and DropoffContactInfo section:

    • name: maximum 100 characters

    • phoneNumber: maximum 30 characters

    • email: maximum 80 characters

    • language: maximum 2 characters

PATCH/api /v1 /orders /{orderId}

Some fields are now set with a maximum length when updating an Order. Update will not be done if fields exceed the maximum number of character to prevent issues when editing the Order in Dispatch Science.


  • For both PickupAddress section and DropoffAddress section:

    • addressLine1: maximum 256 characters

    • addressLine2:  maximum 256 characters

    • city: maximum 256 characters

    • postalCode: maximum 256 characters

    • stateProvince: maximum 256 characters

  • For both PickupContactInfo section and DropoffContactInfo section:

    • name: maximum 100 characters

    • phoneNumber: maximum 30 characters

    • email: maximum 80 characters

    • language: maximum 2 characters

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