New Features for Release 1.65

Modified on Tue, 25 Jun, 2024 at 12:05 PM

These features are available on your Test site as of the evening of May 8th, on your Preproduction site in the evening of May 13th and on your Production site in the evening of May 15th.

New Features in This Release

  • Ability for Dispatchers to set their own stop sequence
  • Enhanced credit card payment options
  • Additional flexibility for managing fuel surcharge commission to drivers
  • Driver App enhancements
  • Various navigation and user experience improvements
  • Enhanced Finance transactions interface
  • API & OData improvements



The release notes refer to different sections of the application:

Back Office: Where Customer Service Representatives (CSR) create and edit orders, create accounts, review drivers, etc.

Dispatch Board: Where Dispatchers assign orders to drivers, get notifications for invalid orders, etc.

Auto-Dispatch: This section refers to the automated order assignment setup and its process.

Administration: This section is in the Back Office but refers to sections only an administrator will use like Settings and Pricing.

Customer Portal: Where account users log in to create orders, view their order history, enter a credit card, etc.

Tracking site: Where customers enter a tracking number like the order ID or a reference number to view the status of their order.

OData: Data fields and variables saved in OData

Account API: API provided to your accounts to create, update and get orders. For documentation, please follow this link:
Tenant API: API provided to you to create orders for your accounts, retrieve invoices and change invoice status. For documentation, please follow this link:  

Scripting: Custom script building abilities and functions within Dispatch Science


Driver App Version 1.65

Scanning with the Light

When scanning a document on Android, there was no option to turn on the flash if it was too dark. 

You can now turn on the camera flash before pressing the button to start scanning:

Number of Orders Scanned in a License Plate

The number of Orders scanned in the License Plate will show on the License Plate information bar.

User Interface Modification

Back Office


Order Details

Invoiced and Settled Icons

On the Order Details, there are 2 icons, located to the left of the Order Id that shows when an Order is invoiced () and settled ().

Clicking on the Invoice icon will now open to show the Invoice number as a link:

Clicking on the link will show the invoice details:

From here, you can download the Invoice report. 

Clicking on the settled icon in an Order will open a pop-up listing each settlement:

Clicking on the settlement ID will open the Settlement report:

Order Attachments

An option has been added to the Attachments to hide them from the Driver. When the option is checked, the attachment will only be visible on the Back Office Order details and on the Self-Serve Order details (if Account was given access from the Self-Serve Profile). By default, Attachments will be visible to the Driver. 

Set an Attachment as Hidden from Driver

1) Open an Order.

2) Navigate to the Attachment section.

3) Edit Attachments section and either add a new attachment or edit an existing attachment and uncheck the Visible for the Driver:

4) Click Apply then click Save.

Attachment will no longer be visible to the Driver on this Order.

The same option is available on the Items' attachments.
When an item is transferred to another Order, during duplication from the API, and has this option checked, it will also be transferred to the new Order along the Include with invoice option. 

Order Exception Codes

Previously, on the Exception Codes tab, you needed to open the list to verify whether any Exception Codes were available. This has been updated to display a warning when no codes are available

Route Plans

In the Route Plan, a new warning will show beside the Service Level in the Accounts/Service Levels section if a Service Level type is archived :



Transaction List

A new filter has been added to the Transaction Lists:

The default is Past 2 weeks, though you can select from the following:

Invoices without Invoice Template

When an invoice is generated without an invoice template, it was not possible for the user to open the invoice report by clicking on the  and no error message was displayed. An error message will be displayed to enable the user to add the invoice template to the Account:

This will allow the invoice to be generated the next time the  is clicked.


Account Pricing Options

A Driver Fuel Surcharge Schedule can be assigned to an account to calculate the fuel surcharge commission for drivers. Here’s how it works:

1.    When a fuel surcharge is assigned, the commissionable fuel surcharge calculation will be performed using the values specified in the Driver Fuel Surcharge Schedule.

2. The driver's commission calculation will then use the specified fuel surcharge commission from their Driver Payout Schedule. This commission can be:

  • A fixed percentage of the total fuel surcharge.
  • Based on a predefined Driver Payout Schedule.
  • Overwritten by a Fixed Price, depending on the selection made in the Drivers’ tab on the order.

If the result of the driver’s fuel surcharge calculation is invalid, the fuel surcharge from the account will be used as a fallback.

This approach ensures accurate and consistent handling of fuel surcharges for drivers. 

Add a Driver Fuel Surcharge Schedule to an Account

1) Open Accounts and click on one Account.

2) Edit the Pricing Options:

3) Select in the Driver Pay Rate Fuel Surcharge Schedule the Fuel Surcharge Schedule that should be used to calculate the Driver Commission.

The Fuel Surcharge calculated will be the commissionable Fuel Surcharge. The Fuel Surcharge commission will be calculated from this amount with the percentage on the Driver Payout Schedule or the overridden commission type on the Order.

4) Click Save.

Only Orders created subsequent to these changes will be affected.

Dispatch Board

Optimized Stop Sequence Override (Locking/Unlocking Driver Stops)

A Dispatcher can now manually shuffle or reposition stops on a Driver's Stop List on the Dispatch Board or the Dispatch Board Grid Driver's Stop List. However, the system will still prevent sequencing a delivery prior to its corresponding pickup, placing a continuation, return, or multi-segment stop prior to its precedent/

Note: if your company's Tenant-Level setting already has locked stops enabled, you must contact Support to have this option disabled.

With this feature, it is no longer the number of stops that are locked but rather the stops themselves. Therefore, if you have 2 locked stops and you move a stop in the first or second position, you will have 3 locked stops.
As the stops are completed, the number of locked stops then decrease until all stops that were locked are completed.

Lock a Driver's Stops

1) Open the Driver's Stop List from the Dispatch Board Drivers, Driver's detail or the Dispatch Board Grid Driver's detail Stop List:

2) Click on the grey (disabled) lock in the stop you want to lock and it and all preceding stops will have their lock turned black (enabled):

3) Drag the stops in the sequence you desire. 

You can only move stops above the last locked stop. 
No optimization is performed on locked stops, as you have already set them up in the order you wish them completed.

Unlock a Driver's Stops

1) Open the Driver's Stop List from the Dispatch Board Drivers, Driver's detail or the Dispatch Board Grid Driver's detail Stop List:

2) Click on the lock of the locked stop you want to unlock.

The locked stop will turn grey again and will be unlocked.

It is important at this time to wait until the optimization has completed before moving other stops since unlocking a stop may change the best route the Driver should do. 

Locking/Unlocking Driver Stops on Routed Stops

When locking/unlocking Drivers stops that are of type Route (showing with the icon), the Fixed Stops and Allow Insertion Routes will be changed to Full Optimization mode and the Driver's workload will be re-optimized with the Routed and non-Routed Orders mixed together. For more information about the Full Optimization mode, please review

Locking/Unlocking Driver Stops and Moving Stops with Auto-Dispatch Suggestions

When locking/unlocking Drivers stops or when moving locked stops while using Auto-Dispatch Suggestions, suggestions will be removed from the list and an optimization will be requested. At the next Auto-Dispatch, suggestions will displayed below the locked stops. 

Suggestions will always be added after the locked stops.



Fuel Surcharges

(Found under Pricing)

The Fuel Surcharge now allows 4 decimals throughout.

Fuel Surcharge Table when Mode is Fixed Percentage or Fixed Distance:

Fuel Surcharge Calculator, Sheet mode is also available with 4 decimals for both Reference Fuel Price (RFP) and Rates.

If calculators were uploaded with more than 2 decimals prior to this release, the rates and reference fuel price would have been stored as 2 decimals (rounding the 4 back to 2). 
In order to take advantage of this feature, please download the existing calculators and reupload.

Extra Fee Schedule

(Found under Pricing)

Scripted Extra Fee

A new script navigation icon () has been added on the scripted Extra Fee details to easily navigate to the script:

Clicking on the icon will open the script in a new tab if user has the necessary access permissions. 

Self-Serve Roles

(Found under Settings>Configurations>System)

A new security right has been added in the Self-Serve Roles to give access to the Credit Card:

By default, this new right is checked to Edit by default, granting access to all existing Self-Serve Roles, ensuring that everyone retains access. However, users can disable this right by unselecting it within any of the roles. 


(Found under Settings>System)

Editing Addresses

The limit of editing more than 50 addresses at once has been removed. 

Order Rules

(Found under Settings>Configurations>Order)

Deleting Order Rules

A warning will be displayed when attempting to delete an Order Rule that is used in a Notification Template or in a Fuel Surcharge Schedule:

Self-Serve Portal

Access to Credit Card

In this version, Self-Serve users and administrators with access to the Credit Card right on their role will be able to add a credit card even if the Account's Billing Method is By Account. This will allow them to add the credit card information that can then be used to manually pay invoices in the Transactions List.


(Found under Settings>System>Scripts)

Disable/Enable Scripts

All script types can now be disabled and enabled. This simplifies review and validation of script behaviors. Script statuses will be displayed in the Script list:

Disable a Script

1) Open a script and click on the Disable button:

You will get a message that the script was successfully disabled and the button will change to Enable:

Enable a Disabled Script

1) Open a script and click on the Enable button:

You will get a message that the script was successfully enabled and the button will change to Disable:


Integration-Tenants API

Get Recurring Routes For a Date

On the GET/api/v1/recurring-routes/recurring-routes-for-date, the Account Id has been added as a parameter.

Archive a Driver

A new endpoint is available to archive a Driver through the API:

POST/api /v1 /drivers /{id} /archive

Where {id} is the Driver Id which is found at the end of the URL when opening the Driver Details.

If the Driver is already archived, a 404 error will be returned.

Unarchive a Driver

A new endpoint is available to unarchive a Driver through the API:

POST/api /v1 /drivers /{id} /unarchive

Where {id} is the Driver Id which is found at the end of the URL when opening the Driver Details.

Get Driver Documents and Certifications

A new endpoint is available to get the Driver's Documents and Certifications with links to the files.

GET/api /v1 /drivers /{id} /employee-documents

Where {id} is the Driver Id which is found at the end of the URL when opening the Driver Details.

The following information is returned:

Field NameField TypeData
documentTypeIdStringDocument/Certification type id as found in Settings, Configuration, Drivers, Document and Certification
documentTypeInteger0 = document
1 = certification
namePrimaryStringName of the document or certification 
nameSecondaryStringName of the document or certification in the second language
updatedDateDate-TimeDate and Time when information was last udpated
dispatchValidation0, 1 or 2Dispatch Validation
None: 0
Warning: 1
No Dispatching: 2
attachmentsList or arrayOne set for each document/certification file:
fileName: Name of the file
url: URL where file is available

0 or 1Only available for Certifications
Pass: 1
Fail: 0

Update Driver Documents and Certifications

A new endpoint is available to update the Driver's Documents and Certifications.

The data can be updated but files need to be uploaded through Dispatch Science or the Driver App under Settings.

PUT/api /v1 /drivers /{id} /employee-documents /{documentTypeId}

Where {id} is the Driver Id which is found at the end of the URL when opening the Driver Details,

{documentTypeId} is the Id of the document or certification which can be found under Settings>Configurations>Drivers>Documents or Certifications

Json Body will contain the following information - for more information about each field, please see Get Driver Documents and Certifications LINK

"documentNumber": "string",
"issuedBy": "string",
"issuedDate": "2024-04-25T19:38:22.408Z",
"expiryDate": "2024-04-25T19:38:22.408Z",
"typeOrClass": "string",
"otherInfo1": "string",
"otherInfo2": "string",
"otherInfo3": "string",
"note": "string",
"dispatchValidation": 0,
"certificationResult": 0

As this is a PUT, be sure to Get the information first and fill in all fields. Any field left blank or not included in the PUT will be blanked out.

Get Driver Driver Additional Information

A new endpoint is available to get the Driver's Additional Information (or user fields).

GET/api /v1 /drivers /{id} /additional-information

Where {id} is the Driver Id which is found at the end of the URL when opening the Driver Details.

The following information is returned:

Field NameField TypeData
idStringDriver user field Id, found in Settings, Configurations, Driver, Fields. In the table, look to the Id column.
labelPrimaryStringField Name
labelSecondaryStringField name in secondary language
inputFieldType0, 1, 2, 3, or 4Field Type:
Text: 0
Integer: 1
Decimal: 2
Yes/No: 3
Dropdown: 4
acceptedValuesList or array

Update Driver Driver Additional Information

A new endpoint is available to update the Driver's Additional Information (or user fields).

PUT/api /v1 /drivers /{id} /additional-information /{fieldId}

Where {id} is the Driver Id which is found at the end of the URL when opening the Driver Details,

{fieldId} is the user field id found under Settings>Configurations>Drivers>Fields:

Json Body will contain the following information - for more information about each field, please see Get Driver Additional Information LINK


  "value": Data


Where Data will be in double quotes if it is a type 0 or 4, will be a number with or without decimal if it is of type 1 or 2, true or false if it is type 3.

An error message 400 will be returned if the data is the wrong type or if the data is not within the accepted values. 

Add Addition/Deduction to a Driver Settlement

Driver Settlements in Unpaid or Sent status can have additions/deductions added. Once the Settlement status is set to Paid, the Settlement will be locked and no other changes can be made. 

After adding an addition/deduction, when Driver or Internal user clicks to open the Settlement, the report will be regenerated with the new information.

POST/api /v1 /settlements /deductions /{settlementId}. You can also find the GET/api /v1 /settlements endpoint.

Where {settlementId} = Settlement # as displayed in the Settlements page.




    "deductionId": 0,

    "overrides": {

      "isPercentage": true,

      "amount": 0,

      "percentage": 0




Where deductionId is found using GET/api /v1 /drivers /deductions or opening Settings, Configurations, Drivers, Deductions/Additions. Open a Deduction/Addition and use the last digits after the / on the URL.

overrides section is used if you want to override the default values:

IsPercentage:  true or false

amount: numeric value if isPercentage is false

percentage: numeric value if isPercentage is true - note that you enter the value without the percentage sign and not as a decimal. For instance, 7.5% would be entered as 7.5

Amount and Percentage are always entered as positive values. They will show in the Driver Settlement as a negative values for Deductions and positive values for Additions.

Update a Settlement's Addition/Deduction

Driver Settlements in Unpaid or Sent status can have additions/deductions updated. Once the Settlement status is set to Paid, the Settlement will be locked and no other changes can be made. 

After editing an addition/deduction, when Driver or Internal user clicks to open the Settlement, the report will be regenerated with the new information.

PUT/api /v1 /settlements /deductions /{settlementId}

Where {settlementId} = Settlement # as displayed in the Settlements page.Y ou can also find the GET/api/v1/settlements endpoint.


"id": 0,
"overrides": {
"isPercentage": true,
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0

Where id is the addition/deduction id and can be found in the GET/api /v1 /settlements /{settlementId} endpoint. 

This is not the system Addition/Deduction id, it is the specific Addition/Deduction id within a specific Driver Settlement.

The overrides section is used if you want to override the default values:

IsPercentage:  true or false

amount: numeric value if isPercentage is false

percentage: numeric value if isPercentage is true - note that you enter the value without the percentage sign and not as a decimal. For instance, 7.5% would be entered as 7.5

Amount and Percentage are always entered as positive values. These will show in the Driver Settlement as a negative values for Deductions and positive values for Additions.

Delete Additions/Deductions from a Driver Settlement

Driver Settlements in Unpaid or Sent status can have additions/deductions deleted. Once the Settlement status is set to Paid, the Settlement will be locked and no other changes can be made. 

After editing an addition/deduction, when Driver or Internal user clicks to open the Settlement, the report will be regenerated with the new information.

DELETE/api /v1 /settlements /deductions /{settlementId}

Where {settlementId} = Settlement # as displayed in the Settlements page.Y ou can also find the GET/api/v1/settlements endpoint.


Where 0 is the addition/deduction id and can be found in the GET/api /v1 /settlements /{settlementId} endpoint. 

This is not the system Addition/Deduction id, it is the specific Addition/Deduction id within a specific Driver Settlement.

To delete more than one addition/deduction, simply add all Addition/Deduction ids separated by a comma:



Drivers Table

The Mobile Number has been added to the Drivers Table:

MobileNumber: Value returned is a text field.

Order Attachment Table

In the OrderAttachments Table, the new Hide from Driver option has also been added and is named:


This contains true is the Attachment is visible for the Driver and false if it has been hidden.

Workloads Table

The Workloads table contains the last optimization performed on the Route with the following information:

IdInternal Id
DriverIdOrRouteIdThis will contain the Route Id or if the last optimization performed was an on demand optimization for a Driver, then the Driver Id.

CreatedAtOptimization date and time
DistanceTotal distance of Route in meters
TravelTimeTotal driving time in seconds
TotalTimeTotal delivery time in seconds (includes driving and pickup and delivery time)
If Auto-dispatch suggestion is enabled, the workloads table will contain the optimization for the suggested orders.

Driver Positions Table

The DriverPositions table returns the Driver Position in the last 31 days and the table contains the following information:

IdInternal Id
DriverIdDriver Id - link to Drivers table to get the driver information
TimestampDate when Driver was at this location
SpeedSpeed in meters per seconds
This can be converted to miles per hour by multiplying by 2.23694
AccuracyThis is the estimated horizontal accuracy radius in meters of this location at the 68th percentile confidence level or there is a 68% chance that the true position of the driver is within this number of meters. 
CourseAngle toward which the driver is driving where North is 0, East is 90, South is 180 and West is 270.
ZoneIdZone of type Driver Position where the position is located.

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