Time at Location

The time at location will start to calculate on all Orders that are within the inner radius of the Driver's position and not only on the current stop. This allows the Driver to complete any of those stops and have an accurate wait time. Once the stop is closed, the time at location for the other stops will reset and start again until the next stop is closed.


You can now choose to view the password when entering it on the Driver App by clicking on the eye icon:

Android Touch and Focus on Scan

On certain Android devices, you can tap on the screen to refocus on the document while scanning.

Vertical Signature Workflow Step

The signature step on the workflow can now stay vertical when leaving the phone vertical. It will switch to horizontal when flipping the phone horizontally.



The Clear and Confirm buttons are now well delimited to ensure the signature is not cleared accidentally.

Camera Saves Images

The picture taken during pickup and delivery can be saved in the Pictures on the Phone if setup in the Driver Profile/Account Profile in Dispatch Science. You can retrieve those pictures if needed.

Allow to Select Multiple Pictures

This feature must be enabled in Dispatch Science to select pictures from your camera roll. Once permission is given, and this can be different on each order, you need to give the Driver App access to your camera roll.

On iPhone, this can be done in the Driver App Settings in your iPhone Settings:

Give access to all pictures:

On Android, this can also be done in the Driver App Settings in your phone Settings under Permissions:

Select Allow:

Or, if this is not setup, you will be asked when you are in the step where you can take pictures:

Once access is granted, you will be able to select multiple pictures when adding pictures from the Picture workflow step in the Pickup, Delivery, Add/Edit workflows if the step allows to select pictures from the phone.

This is also available when adding attachments on the Settings tab for the documents and certifications.

On Android, you will be asked if you want to share your picture.


On the Settings tab, the documents/certifications that expired are now highlighted for easier modification:

A badge appears on the Settings icon when a document/certification is about to expire if this is setup in the Driver Information Profile:

On the Settings tab, a warning is displayed below the Driver basic information in red:

To see which document/certification requires attention, scroll through the Settings to see the document/certification with a warning icon:

Transfer Orders

When transferring Orders to another Driver, the list of Orders can now be filtered by Order status. By default, all orders are showing in the list until a status is selected.

You can also tap on the Select All link to select all Orders that are not filtered out.

Bug Fixes

- End of Day was not displayed after Driver logged out and logged back in. The Home tab had to be manually refreshed to see the End of Day.