
In this document, you will find the pricing and rate table setup for Dispatch Science. It explains the interaction between each item type and the final rate table associated to accounts. 

Order pricing overview

The account dictates the order pricing. Each account is associated to a price list which contains a list of vehicles, service levels and, if relevant, zones. Accounts are also associated with a fuel surcharge and extra fee list. 

Zone Pricing 

Zone pricing uses the order pickup and delivery addresses to find the order delivery price for the selected vehicle and service level, and then adds the fuel surcharge. Extra fees are then added to calculate the total price.

Distance Pricing

Distance pricing uses the distance between the pickup and delivery addresses to find the fixed price and mileage for the selected vehicle, for the service level and adds the fuel surcharge. Extra fees are then added to calculate the total price. 

Account Pricing Setup

Accounts are associated to a price list, a fuel surcharge and an extra fee schedule containing the extra fees specific to this account. These are used to calculate pricing when an account is selected on an order.

Pricing Attributes

The different attributes that are used to create price lists and the account pricing are setup in the Pricing section. This section is available to administrators. 


Zones are used in the Zone Price List. Zones are imported through a KML file that can be created in different software such as Google Maps. 


All vehicle types that are part of the fleet are added in the Vehicles section. Vehicles will be used in the Price Lists. 

[Could use a better image of all the vehicle types]

Service Schedules

Service schedules contain the service levels used to create the Price Lists. One service schedule is associated to one price list. This allows you to create account specific service levels and pricing.

Fuel Surcharges

Different fuel surcharges can be created for your different accounts. 

Extra Fees

Extra fees are created and are then grouped in Extra Fee Schedules where pricing for each extra fee is entered.

Extra Fee Schedules

Extra fees are created and are then grouped in Extra Fee Schedules where pricing is entered. An extra fee schedule is associated to each account therefore different schedules can contain different extra fees at different prices for each account.

Price Lists

There are 4 price list types that can be created in Dispatch Science depending on your pricing needs. Each price list has a set of assigned vehicles with one vehicle set as default. The default vehicle will be automatically selected when an order is created. 

There are 2 main types:

Price by Zone

This pricing allows you to use the zones that were created previously and associate a different price of delivery from zone to zone with a mileage rate if needed. If the pickup or delivery address is not within the zones, a distance failover price list can be used where the price of delivery will be calculated according to the distance in between the pickup and delivery locations.

Price by Distance

This pricing allows you to set a fixed fee and a mileage rate depending on the distance calculated between the pickup and delivery locations. 

Price by Zone:

Vehicles are associated to a price list. Each vehicle in the price list is then setup with a minimum charge and a vehicle surcharge. 

If the zone to zone price is less than the vehicle minimum charge, the minimum charge plus the vehicle surcharge will be used to calculate the base delivery price instead of the zone to zone price plus the vehicle surcharge.

This type of price list will be used when all vehicles in the price list use the same price by zone for the different service level with the addition of the specific vehicle surcharge. 

Price by Zone and Vehicles:

If the pricing requires different prices from zone to zone for each vehicle and this cannot be addressed with the vehicle surcharge, the pricing by zone can further be split by vehicle. With this pricing, the minimum charge and vehicle surcharge will need to be added in the zone to zone pricing for each service level. 

Price by Distance:

Vehicles are associated to a price list. Each vehicle in the price list is then setup with a minimum charge and a vehicle surcharge. If the mileage price is less than the minimum charge, the minimum charge plus the vehicle surcharge will be used to calculate the base delivery price instead of the mileage price plus the vehicle surcharge. This type of price list will be used when all vehicles in the price list use the same mileage rate for specific distances.

Price by Distance with Vehicles:

If the pricing requires different mileage rate and/or flat fees for each vehicle and this cannot be addressed with the vehicle surcharge, the pricing by distance can further be split by vehicle. With this pricing, the minimum charge and vehicle surcharge will need to be added in the mileage rate and flat fee for each service level for each vehicle.

Pricing Formula

The total price is calculated from the Base Price (see below) with the addition of the extra fees added on the order.

Base Price Calculation by Zone:

Base Price Calculation by Zone and Vehicle:

Base Price Calculation by Distance:

Base Price Calculation by Distance and Vehicles: