We are moving from Hold Reasons which were common to all accounts to Exception codes which can be configured by Account as Hold Reason, Pickup Exception, Delivery Exception, Checkpoint Exception and Item Exception. 

Drivers had to pick and choose the correct Hold reason depending on the order Account. With the new Exception feature, you can set the exception codes by Account. 

Here are examples when you can use the different types of Exception Codes:

Exception Code of Type Hold

These will work the same as the Hold Reasons that we had previously except they can be different by schedule. A schedule will be associated to an Account. 

On upgrade, the Hold Reasons were transferred automatically as Exception Codes and added to a Default Exception Code Schedule which was associated to all Accounts.

If no changes are done to the schedule, the Hold will work the same for both Dispatchers and Drivers.

Why add an exception code of type hold:

  1. Driver arrives at pickup or at delivery and no one is available Driver puts the order on hold, advising the dispatcher that there is a problem with the order that needs immediate attention.

Exception Code of Type Checkpoint

This is a new type of exception that can be added at Checkpoint. Before exception codes, items could be set as damaged, and if not scanned on an order that had more than one item where at least one was scanned, as missing. 

You can now create exception codes of type Checkpoint to indicate where the item was marked as damaged with additional information, was this damaged at reception or was it damaged in the warehouse for instance.

Why add an exception code of type checkpoint:

  1. Item arrived at the warehouse damaged and was returned 
  2. Item arrived at the warehouse and was damaged during sorting 
  3. Item arrived at the warehouse but this item is not on the order, it can added with an exception code to indicate that this is an extra item on one of the order

Exception Code of Type Pickup

This is a new type of exception that can be added before the order is picked up. It is added on the order rather than on the items. Driver can add this exception code on the order itself if the order has a problem.

Why add an exception code of type pickup:

  1. Driver arrives at pickup and the packages were left outside to pickup and they are damaged 
  2. Driver arrives at pickup and the packages are not ready and he has to wait for them. He can add an exception code on the order to note that he was delayed because the packages were not ready

Exception Code of Type Delivery

This is a new type of exception that can be added after the order is picked up and before it is delivered. It is added on the order rather than on the items. Driver can add this exception code on the order itself if the order has a problem.

Why add an exception code of type delivery:

  1. Customer does not want to open the door and asks driver to leave the package on doorstep 
  2. Customer partially refuses an order - add as an exception code that the order was partially refused then use the item exception code to show which one was refused 
  3. Driver arrives at delivery and customer indicates this is the wrong item that is being delivered

Exception Code of Type Items

These are exception codes similar to the missing and damaged that were added on the item except it can give more information if needed. 

It is added at the item in the Stop details Items or when scanning the items. 

Why add an exception code of type item:

  1. Item was damaged during delivery - we could have different reason how the item was damaged 
  2. Item is refused by customer but the others are accepted - we could have different reasons here for the refusal
  3. An item is returned by the customer while delivering additional items 
  4. Item was picked up but driver cannot find it to deliver