New features included in this release

  • Different Notification Templates can now be assigned according to delivery service levels
  • Order templates are now easier to use: A unique template name is automatically generated in the system when created
  • Separate invoices can now be automatically created for orders based on values in the order reference fields
  • For enhanced performance, the bitmap-based dispatch map has been replaced by a vector-based map
  • A new ALL filter has been added to the dispatch map and dispatch grid
  • It is now possible to prepare and send ETA notifications for late deliveries
  • It is now possible to create and add user-defined fields on Drivers and Accounts
  • It is now possible to personalize client Customer Portals by adding custom buttons on the top right corner of the Portal's interface



The release notes refer to different sections of the application:

Back Office: Where Customer Service Representatives (CSR) create and edit orders, create accounts, review drivers, etc.

Dispatch Board: Where Dispatchers assign orders to drivers, get notifications for invalid orders, etc.

Auto-Dispatch: This section refers to the automated order assignment setup and its process.

Administration: This section is in the Back Office but refers to sections only an administrator will use like Settings and Pricing.

Customer Portal: Where account users log in to create orders, view their order history, enter a credit card, etc.

Tracking site: Where customers enter a tracking number like the order ID or a reference number to view the status of their order.

OData: Data fields and variables saved in OData

Account API: API provided to your accounts to create, update and get orders. For documentation, please follow this link:
Tenant API: API provided to you to create orders for your accounts, retrieve invoices and change invoice status. For documentation, please follow this link:  

Back Office

Order Options

It is now possible to assign different notification templates according to service levels. For instance, a different set of notification templates for 2HR vs NEXT DAY service levels.

How to:

1) Go to Accounts > Accounts click on the the target account, then click Edit in the Order Options dialog box

2) You will see a new section called NOTIFICATIONS TEMPLATE. The default notification template is selected by default for all service levels. Click on the All Service Levels dropdown to select your default notification template:

3) Click on Specify notification template per Service Level to assign different notification templates according to service level. The available service levels for this customer will be displayed along with a dropdown from which you will be able to override the default Notification template for each service level:

4) Click Save to save your notifications settings in your Order Options.

Order Templates

We have made Order Template creation faster by automatically assigning unique names to order templates. Names are formulated using the pickup and delivery company names on the order, and in the absence of either, by using the date and time the template was created. This name can still easily be changed by the user. For instance:

Order Import

When importing a file with no pick-up addresses, the system now defaults to the account's address. 
As well, users can add an extra fee column using the Extra Fee ID.

Account and Driver Settings

It is now possible to create user-defined fields for both Drivers and Accounts to capture additional information specific to each organization. These fields can help with reporting, as well as various custom notifications or process automation rules.

For example, the user-defined fields can enable the creation of different levels of customers such as "bronze, silver, gold, platinum..." or Drivers, while setting the stage to accommodate many other future use cases.

Account and Driver Settings are setup by Administrators. See Administration section below (Account and Driver Settings) for details.

How to enable user-defined fields for Accounts:

1) In Accounts > Accounts, select an account and scroll down until you see the Additional Information dialog box. Click Edit:

2) Select the Account Type you want for this account:

How to setup definitions for Drivers:

Follow the same steps as above, replacing Accounts Fields with Driver Fields.

How to use Definitions for Drivers:

Follow the same steps as above, replacing Accounts > Accounts with Drivers > Drivers.

Driver App Management

It is now possible to entirely disable geolocation for drivers. Simply go to Drivers > Profiles> Driver Profiles, select a driver, scroll down to the Location Options and click Edit:

Check or uncheck Ignore Driver Geolocation Verification at Pickup in Driver App or Ignore Driver Geolocation Verification at Delivery in Driver App

Billing and Invoicing

We have added the capability to create separate invoices that only include orders with common reference field values as defined by the user in the Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3, or Order Number

How to:

1) Go to Accounts > Accounts, select an account (or create a new one) and click on Edit for Billing options:

There is a new line called Invoice Separated by

2) Select the desired invoice grouping you wish to apply by selecting in the INVOICE SEPARATED BY dropdown, then click Save:

3) To see the invoices, go to Accounts > Transactions, click on Generate Invoices and select the desired billing cycle. You will see a new Grouped By column in the list of invoices that are available to be generated:

Delivery App Management

It is now possible to make Contact Names, Emails, and Phone numbers mandatory fields in the Delivery App. 

Go to Accounts > Profiles > Create Order Profiles, and select a Mobile Profile. You will see three new check boxes. Check those that apply for your situation:

It is now also possible to automatically put orders in Accepted status on the Driver app. This is particularly useful for employee drivers. Go to Drivers > Profiles and select a Profile. Click Edit in General Options and check Auto-accept Dispatched Orders:

Dispatch Board

Dispatch Map

We have introduced a new vector-based map display for the dispatch map to replace the current bitmap-based display. In addition to being more visually appealing, the benefits of this format are:

  • Smaller data size and therefore faster load time
  • Lower bandwidth consumption
  • Better user experience - smooth zooming
  • Not visible zoom levels - users zoom and pan throughout all scales
  • De-facto mobile standard
  • Easy customization


A new ALL filter is available in the Dispatch Map and Dispatch Grid to facilitate searching and finding individual orders.

In Dispatch Map:

In Dispatch Grid:

Note: Because this filter returns all orders, the data will take longer to display.



It is now possible to create an ETA notification that sends an alert that an order is expected to be delivered late. 

How To:

1) Go to Account > Notifications > Notification Templates and click either on an existing template or Click on New Template. Scroll down to user type, for instance ACCOUNT CONTACT, and click on the Time Based Event dropdown. A new Late Delivery option is now available:

2) Select Late Delivery, add a time, select the type of override notification template you wish to use, check By SMS or By Email, and click Save.

Account and Driver Settings

Global settings for both Drivers and Accounts now allows administrators to better categorize their respective roles (See Back Office Section above for details). Administrators do the setup for this capability.

How to setup definitions for Accounts:

1) In Settings > System there is a new sub-menu called Account Fields. Click on it, then click on Add field:

2) Give the field an ID, a DISPLAY NAME , and select a FIELD TYPE from the dropdown:

3) Define the ACCEPTED VALUES for the field (for Dropdown, insert names one below each other) and click Save.

4) Go to Accounts>Accounts and select any account. Then scroll down to the new section called Additional Information, then click Edit:

5) Type or select the desired field information, and click Save:

Follow the same process as above to create new definition for Driver Fields

Extra Fees Pricing

A powerful new pricing capability has been added to Dispatch Science: It is now possible to create highly customized pricing for extra fees using scripts. The scripts are built using the C# programming language so programming expertise is required to build them. Scripted extra fees are programmed and implemented in two phases:

Phase 1 - Script Programming

1) Go to Settings > System > Scripts and click on New Script:

2) Give your script a name, a description, and select the type from the dropdown (for now, the only available type is "Extra Fee Calculation". Additional script types are planned for the future). For instance:

Click on Create to create the script. A content window will appear where the programmer will be able to write the script.

3) Write the script in the content window, using the Validate button to verify it:

Consult with you Dispatch Science technical contact to obtain the list of available programming options.

Phase 2 - Script Implementation

Once the script has been built, it is now possible to implement it with all or any customer

1) Go Pricing > Extra Fees and either create a New Schedule or click on an existing extra fee schedule. In this case, we will click on an existing extra fee schedule. This will bring up the Extra fee schedule. Click on Add Extra Fee:

2) Click on the EXTRA FEE TYPE dropdown to select the extra fee type on which you want to apply your script, and click Save:

The dialog box will expand to provide additional detail.

3) Select SCRIPTED as the type of Fee you want to apply, then select your SCRIPT from the dropdown list:

4) Import the associated pricing file if required as well as any other desired configuration setting, then click Save to save your scripted extra fee. Your extra fee schedule will now display your new scripted extra fee:

Customer Portal

User Interface Customization

It is now possible for administrators to add custom buttons on the top right corner of Customer Portals. These buttons are customizable and can direct users to any URL.

How to:

1) Go to Settings > Companies > Links. Click on New Link Set (or click on an existing link to edit an existing one):

2) Click on the ACCOUNT dropdown and select either All Accounts if you want the new button to be displayed on the Customer Portal of every client, or select the target account for which you want to create a new button:

3) You will be returned to the Link set and the account you have chosen will now be listed:

4) Click on the link set you want to modify, then click on New Link:

5) A menu will display where you will give a name to the link, add a tooltip text (a small text that appears when the user hovers over the icon), select a URL where the button will direct the user, select the Portal page(s) where the icon will appear, and select an icon from the proposed list. Here's the empty dialog:

Here's an example of a completed dialog. Click Save to save the link and associated Button:

Now the customer portal will have a new custom icon in the top right of the screen: