New features included in this release

Customize Order, Account, Driver List

Order Profile Options

Service levels spanning over 2 days

Order Attachments

Transactions - see


The release notes refer to different sections of the application:

Back Office: Where Customer Service Representatives (CSR) create and edit orders, create accounts, review drivers, etc.

Dispatch Board: Where Dispatchers assign orders to drivers, get notifications for invalid orders, etc.

Auto-Dispatch: This section refers to the automated order assignment setup and its process.

Administration: This section is in the Back Office but refers to sections only an administrator will use like Settings and Pricing.

Customer Portal: Where account users log in to create orders, view their order history, enter a credit card, etc.

Tracking site: Where customers enter a tracking number like the order ID or a reference number to view the status of their order.

Account API: API provided to your accounts to create, update and get orders. For documentation, please follow this link:
Tenant API: API provided to you to create orders for your accounts, retrieve invoices and change invoice status. For documentation, please follow this link:  

Driver App version

Version 1.13.619 contains the new features for this release. Please see Release Notes.

Back Office

Customize Order List

In the order list, you will now be able to select which columns to view, where to place the column and set a filter  and sort order.  

Note this feature is also available in the Driver List and the Account List.

Select Columns to Display

1) Open Order list

2) Click on the Settings icon and click on Columns to select the columns to show/hide then click anywhere to close the list.

3) Check the columns to display and uncheck the columns to hide then click anywhere on the window (outside of the menu) to close the menu and show the list.

This setting will be available the next time you open the order list.

Select Columns Order

1) Open Order list

2) Click and drag a column header to move it to a new location

This setting will be available the next time you open the order list.

Sort Order List

1) Click on a column header to sort ascending, click again to sort descending.

This setting is not saved if you navigate to another tab. 

Filter Order List

1) Open Order list

2) Click on the filter next to the column name

3) In the filter set the desired filter

4) You will notice the filter appears sunken, see below, Account Name is filtered while Held is not.

This setting will be available the next time you open the order list.

Clear Filter from Order List

1) Open Order list

2) Notice in the order list which columns have a sunken filter icon (see above)

3) Click on the Filter icon and click on Clear

4) The list will refresh and the filter will be removed.

Export List

1) Open Order list

2) Click on the Settings icon and select Export data. The filtered list will be exported with all columns. 

Note: the setup done to the list will be lost and the list will return to its original columns. 

Note: The same features are available on accounts and drivers.

Reactivating a Cancelled Order 

The reactivate order is now available on the Order list for CSRs for any orders that has been cancelled.

1) Open Orders and click on   to open the menu and select Reactivate order.

2) Click on Reactivate to reactivate the order or on Back to return to the order list without reactivating the order.

Note: This is also available in the Order Details menu.

Opening an Order from Order List, an Account, Account User or Contact from Account Lists, a Driver from Driver List

You can now click anywhere on the row of an order, account, account user, contact, driver to open its detail.

Remove Paging on Lists

The paging was removed from the following lists:

  • Driver list
  • Payout schedule
  • Driver Profiles
  • Account profiles
  • Notifications

Default Paging on Lists

The number of items to display per page settings will be applied to both Order list and Account list. 

The default number of items has been changed to 20. If this is modified, the settings will be available the next time you navigate to the page.

Order Attachments 

Attachments can be added, edited or deleted on an order.

Add an Attachment to an Order

Attachments can be added once the order is created.

1) In Order Details, click on Attachments then click on Edit

2) Click on

3) Click on Choose File, navigate to where the image file (png, jpg, tiff, gif, etc) is located and select it.

4) Enter an optional note.  will show on the image once it is saved to indicate a note is available.

5) Select the Include with Invoice if you want the image to be added to the bottom of the invoice.  will show on the image once it is saved to indicate this will be included on the invoice.

Note: This will show on your invoice report if it supports it. If you need to add this feature, please contact and we will give you a quote for this change.

6) Click on Apply.

7) You can add additional images at this time by following steps 2 to 6. 

8) Click on Save when completed.

Delete an Attachment on an Order

1) In Order Details, click on Attachments then click on Edit

2) On the dialog box, click

3) Removed will show on the image:

4) Click Save to confirm deletion.

Edit an Attachment Note or Flag on an Order

1) In Order Details, click on Attachments then click on Edit

2) Click on  to edit the image note/flag.

3) Edit the note and or flag and click on Apply

4) Click on Save to confirm edition.


Remove Paging on Lists 

The paging has been removed from the following lists.

  • Price list
  • Vehicles
  • Service levels
  • Fuel surcharge
  • Extra fees 
  • Discounts

Service Level Spanning over 2 Days 

You can now setup a service level to span over 2 days if you want to set an after hour for instance or a night.

In the service level, the Hours of operations can now be entered from PM to AM. 

Driver Profile 

Additional options have been added to the Driver Profile.

1) Show Wait Time: Show the wait time widget on the Driver App.

Set to checked by default upon upgrade to keep existing functionality.

2) Allow Driver to Update Wait Time: Allow driver to modify the calculated waiting time at stops.

Set to checked by default upon upgrade to keep existing functionality.

Note that this can be enabled even if the first option is set to unchecked.

3) Update Wait Time Extra Fee: Allow driver to modify the extra fee on the order from the automatic waiting time. 

Set to checked by default upon upgrade to keep existing functionality.

Note that this can be enabled even if the first option is set to unchecked.

4) Show Order Internal Notes: Display on the Driver App the internal notes entered by the Dispatcher. 

Set to checked by default upon upgrade to keep existing functionality.

5) Stop Note Edit Option:

Full Edit: This allows the driver to overwrite the stop note

No Allowed: Driver can view the stop note but cannot edit it

Append Only: Driver can edit the not but only append to the 

6) Automatic Off Duty: You can set to have the driver go off duty automatically at a specified time.  This is unchecked by default. 

Note: Please ignore the Can Add, Edit and Delete Parcels option. This will be available in the next release only. 

Vehicle Optimization

A new field has been added to the vehicle to allow selection of an optimization method specifically for Bikes.

To set a bike to optimize using the Bike optimization, open Pricing then Vehicles then your bike.

In the bike vehicle details, select Bike in the Optimization Profile. 

Tenant API

The tenant API can now do the following:

1) Additional fields are available for the Account such as Discounts, invoice template, etc.

2) Search an order by a reference field value.

3) Add attachments to orders.

4) Add and remove the verify before invoicing flag.

5) Set the status on an order: picked up, delivered, cancelled.

6) Reactivate an order.

7)Dispatch and unassign an order. 

For more information, please visit